No ping.
TPBM thinks that snow is the GREATEST thing on Earth. (which it [size=7][color=blue]is[/color=blue][/size=7])
No ping.
TPBM thinks that snow is the GREATEST thing on Earth. (which it [size=7][color=blue]is[/color=blue][/size=7])
No way.
TPBM thought the AMC was a lot harder than past years.
Didn’t take it today (I had a swim meet). I will take the second offering, but I hope it isn’t as bad.
TPBM took the AIME and did relatively well to what he/she expected to.
Nope! I had never even heard of it.
TPBM plays trivia crack
Ping, and then I deleted it.
TPBM plays Flappy Bird.
Ping (but I deleted it almost the second I got it)
TPBM just wants to fast forward to M9 or M10.
No ping. Past that stage.
TPBM has already started a packing list.
TPBM has never been as terrified as now.
Ping ping ping ping!
TPBM is dreading M10 but can’t wait for it to come fast enough.
Ping! It’s a love/hate thing.
TPBM is applying to more than 5 schools.
TPBM is applying to more than 7 schools.
No ping- originally, but it got narrowed.
TPBM has blue eyes.
No ping.
TPBM has black eyes.
TPBM hates to see anything killed- even if it’s like a really disgusting cockroach or something.
I’m sorry but no ping, because I really hate cockroaches…
TPBM doesn’t like Coke.
TPBM likes Sprite.
No ping…I just don’t like carbonated drinks.
TPBM wears glasses/contacts.
TPBM wears glasses.
Ping. I wear contacts mostly.
TPBM has explored the hidden depths of a school’s website to learn more about it.
Ping, with only some of them.
TPBM chews gum.