The NY life?

<p>One of the top reasons I am applying to Columbia is for Manhattan of course. I'm not expecting to find the greatest party/social scene at this school, that's what downtown is for right?</p>

<p>How accessible is downtown from Columbia? Is there too much hw and studying to do to even have fun? Thats the impression i'm getting from some other sources...</p>

<p>“Downtown” is the financial district and isn’t a party scene. Do a search; your question has been answered a million times.</p>



<p>Why do people ask such generic questions, as if everyone is the same?</p>

<p>all top schools have “work hard, play hard” environments. the vast majority of students at all such places do a lot of work and have a lot of fun things going on on the side.</p>

<p>ty Columbia2002.</p>

<p>I hope the average Columbia student isn’t stuck up like you.</p>

<p>“I hope the average Columbia student isn’t stuck up like you.”</p>

<p>No, we’re not. take him with a pinch of salt. </p>

<p>You’re question <em>is</em> pretty generic though…if you manage your time well, there’s more than enough time to have fun, and it’s not like Columbia’s full of nerds who only study. Also, you’re not obligated to do HW :P</p>

<p>“I’m not expecting to find the greatest party/social scene at this school, that’s what downtown is for right?”</p>

<p>You’d be surprised. And it’d be harder for you to get into the clubs/bars further south unless you have a really good fake ID. You may have to make do with the Morningside area until you’re 21.</p>

<p>yeah I’m a freshman and most of the people I hang around with aren’t interested in clubbing. We basically drink in our rooms and hang out a lot and go to bars around columbia which are all pretty lax about ids.</p>



<p>Clubbing is one of those things that everyone wants to do, but once they’ve actually done it a couple times, they have no desire to do so and wonder why they ever wanted to in the first place.</p>

<p>“Clubbing is one of those things that everyone wants to do, but once they’ve actually done it a couple times, they have no desire to do so and wonder why they ever wanted to in the first place.”</p>

<p>I know several people who go clubbing frequently, and enjoy it. Not everyone would agree with this.</p>

<p>It’s a generalization; you’re right.</p>