<p>I totally agree. I didn't think I was going to get into CMU at all. It was the last school that I heard back from and before I heard back I was already trying to decide between the other schools that I accepted me cause I thought there was no way I could get into CMU. I think I got really lucky. CMU is the best school that I got into...and I would have to say that I like it the most too...so it works out well! I hadn't visited it until after I got accepted and I ended up absolutely loving it and put down my deposit while I was there.
I'm still really nervous though about the workload and whatnot. When I tell people I'm going to CMU they always say that that's a hard-working school. Which is kinda bad cuz I've been slacking off more and more as graduation gets closer. I'm just hoping that everything will go well in the fall and that all my fears will go away by then. I'm also not 100% sure that I want to be an engineer (I'm in CIT). My friend's brother is in CIT and she says that he's a complete science and math freak. Which I am not...I think I jsut need to hear from someone who feels the same way as me. I'm basically really excited..yet really nervous at the same time.</p>
<p>Don't worry. One person in CIT isn't representative of CIT as a whole. The same goes for any of the other colleges. Like me, I'll be going to SCS and we all know its reputation (I've taken enough crap about it to know). Still, there's more to me than the reputed socially inept computer geek. There are thousands of people at CMU; you'll find some you can relate to.</p>