The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

@snapchat Thanks, though! I hope you get into the other schools!

I didn’t really expect much of Kent, because my interview was really dull

Anyone knows how Westtown’s decisions are released?

@brassarrow Me too. They actually messed up my tour guide! I’m looking forward to Concord, Andover & NMH because I had pretty good interviews there. If that’s not an option, I have a great boarding school I got into yesterday that I can fallback on.

@brassarrow @MaxLMZ You never know what these schools are thinking…
You might get into the school you thought least likely.
And you might get rejected from the school you thought was your safety.

Most importantly, you made it to M10!

@babymalcolm That’s true. I learned that from my sister’s college admissions process. Some of her safeties rejected her, but she got into one of her top choices!

@snapchat It’s great that you had good interviews with others. One of my best interviews happened to be my first interview (ever!). I really hope I’m getting into that school because my interviewer was really friendly and it seemed like an amazing school.



I’m freaking outtttt :-SS

Same here!

The freaking out has slowed down… :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe because most are asleep, not in my case :wink: though probably down to the fact it’s only 6pm

And FVS? I haven’t received any instruction email.

I just received my first acceptance letters from Taft and St. Marks. I want to thank everyone here on the forum for their information, support and comfort that all of you have provided me with. Good luck to everyone else, and I will keep you guys updated on my other decisions. Thank you all again so much!

PS: definitely coming back next year to this forum to help out others.

Best of luck to every candidate and their families today! March 10th is finally here! Rooting for EVERYONE!

any1 get peddie yet?

Not yet, still waiting

3h until Andover releases the decisions!!!

Does anyone know when Exeter sends its decisions?

In previous years, decisions were sent at around 6 A.M., according to the notification guide, but I’m not sure as they didn’t send an email directly stating when decisions would be released.

Two years ago it was right at 6 am for Exeter.