The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

I’ve been accepted to Blair, Taft, and Peddie! Rejected at Lawrenceville, but it’s alright! Best of luck to everyone still receiving decisions!

What time did you receive the decision?

Like when did Mercersburg send the email to you?

I can’t check my decisions because the online portals are crashing…

It’s so depressing when everyone else already knows

How did you get into Lawernceville, it’s not working :frowning:

I just refreshed it a bunch of times lol, I’m not very sure. It also kept crashing, I only read like 2 sentences in and it crashed. @ToughFox

@wowimstressed Merecersburg emailed around 9:15am

I got into Hill Firth form!!!}

Guys decisions for Exeter are arriving by what means?

Got WL @ Choate and Taft - but there were some strange things in the process that I have shared before - like kiddo does 2 Spring sports and they said that wouldn’t be of help to them, etc…

Nice! @MaxLMZ

Anyone get anything from Westtown or Fountain Valley School of Colorado? I’m still waiting!

@MedeirosJP By email! I got mine an hour ago from Exeter.

@brassarrow Thanks! Nothing here yet, but got into Choate and Berkshire though!

@MedeirosJP Wow! These are great! Congratulations!!!

I got
Yay!!! I’m supppppeeeeerrrr excited and posting on all the threads. Sorry :confused: But I’m really super excited!!

I got accepted at Choate, Exeter, and Hotchkiss, waitlisted at Andover and Deerfield, and rejected nowhere, which was a surprise. My parents found out and I heard them screaming really early so I thought “oh great I got rejected everywhere” but I’m really surprised and happy! Since we didn’t get the Exeter UPS thing I thought I got rejected!

@oli_fuzzypanda, that is amazing! good for you! Looks like all that hard work paid off!

@MedeirosJP Exeter sent me an email for my decision