<p>So is anyone as excited as I am that decisions are coming out in 45 days!?!?!</p>
<p>March 31st.......</p>
<p>So is anyone as excited as I am that decisions are coming out in 45 days!?!?!</p>
<p>March 31st.......</p>
<p>Very excited and worried too</p>
<p>Wow,when you say 45 days you make it sound so short… I mean I need these results to hurry up and come out, but at the same time, results means almost the end of the school year which means almost time to be separated from most of me best friends for a very long time…sigh.</p>
<p>45 days till a lot of people here have their dreams shattered…
the admit rate at HYPSMC is supposed to be between 4-6% this year.</p>
<p>anxiousssssssssss. X_x</p>
<p>Actually 43 days, 23 hours, 4 minutes and 5 seconds until March 31st, 5:00PM.</p>
<p>So nervous. :(</p>
<p>okay lol. I guessimated. XD</p>
emigre0518, you make it sound so scary…</p>
<p>Oh gawd…can’t wait.</p>
<p>lol same… the time goes by so slowly when you are thinking about it.</p>
<p>sigh. wow time seriously FLEW by… when I submitted back in December it felt as if we’d never ever reach March 31.</p>
<p>^ It still feels like that</p>
<p>I am absolutely dying of anxiety! March 31st is so far away… and emigre0518, where did you get those numbers? Those are NOT nice numbers :/</p>
<p>lol. he’s probably guesstimating. XD</p>
<p>cause stanford had over 30k apps and Harvard 29k</p>
<p>30ish more days!</p>
<p>good luck from a columbia ED’er! i know how it feels to be waiting. you have to think of very creative ways to distract yourself :)</p>
<p>It’s like only a 4 weeks left!</p>
<p>4 more weeks!
4 more weeks!
4 more weeks!
4 more weeks!</p>
<p>I’M DYING…DYING WITH ANXIETY =((( I want to get in so bad you have no idea</p>
<p>^ nah i wanna get in so bad YOU have no idea. :X</p>