<p>Phish! :-/ ("treys")</p>
<p>smelly lol</p>
<p>cat...thats my cats name...smelly cat</p>
<p>hair (o yeah, add your train of thought unless it's obvious like cat->hair)</p>
<p>blonde... (like ME~)</p>
<p>Legally Blonde</p>
<p>pink (ummmmmm)</p>
<p>bend & snap</p>
<p>pencil (lol i dunno why)</p>
<p>ticonderoga (i'm using one right now lol)</p>
<p>uhhh this could be totally wrong but</p>
<p>lincoln logs (hehe)</p>
<p>PARTYING!!!! ((cus who doesn't love a cabin party))</p>
<p>psh beach parties (surfing all day, bonfires, marshmellows?... much better)</p>
<p>Marthas Vinyard</p>
<p>grapes (damn you 10 character rule)</p>
<p>wine (I'm going to damn the rule too)</p>
<p>kitchen table</p>