<p>lol omg</p>
<p>Condoms hahahahaha</p>
<p>commercials </p>
<p>(saw one where a guy is followed by like a million guys dressed as sperms. the guy meets his date and at that moment, the 'sperms' all 'swam' towards the girl in a stampede. just before the girl was trampled, the 'sperms' hit some kind of clear wall. zoom out, and they are seen trapped in this humongo condom)</p>
<p>diapers make you think condoms?</p>
<p>Diapers-->babies-->come from sex-->better not have any-->use condoms LOL</p>
<p>Hahahah that's a hot commercial though</p>
<p>STICHES!!! OMG, ever had stiches on your finger where you usually have your nail? ya, that really bites</p>
<p>Yeah try seeing someone get stitches where their eye is supposed to be!!!!!!!!!!!! </p>
<p>anaesthesia, thank goodness</p>
<p>good thing I've never had stiches</p>
<p>ohh the hot resident in my dept!!!</p>
<p>so I guess...hot people?</p>
<p>i'd say 'me', but thats a bit egocentric</p>
<p>so... YOU</p>
<p>Southbury... little town between waterbury and danbury...</p>
<p>Blueberry ...</p>
<p>oops, i forgot...</p>
<p>hahahahahah this thread is so amusing+random</p>
<p>number generators (sry, just that i'm learning JAVA and that random number generators play a big part of codes for games like Craps)</p>
<p>yeah and sorry here... i'm not sure where the tsunami thing came from, i think i was looking at the wrong thing...</p>
<p>0101010101 lol</p>