<p>Funny fact - I actually REQUESTED the Choates, even after knowing it was crappy housing. I figured that getting to meet a ton of people outweighed the comforts of better dorms. And come on, it's college. Living in a tiny ****hole and having people throw up on your bed are the kind of memories I wouldn't trade for anything.</p>
<p>Honestly half-baked, I wouldn't write it off as a death sentence. Substance free housing really really can go either way. For instance I know this past year, Bissell and Cohen were quite the party dorms. Half the swim and baseball team were in them and trust me, they are no slouches when it comes to having a good time. On the other hand, my friends in the River substance-free dorms were pretty miserable. Substance-free kids either fall into two categories: people who are ACTUALLY very anti-partying and don't go out much, and people who just prefer nicer, non-vomit covered dorms. It really depends on your UGA and who's in your hall.</p>
<p>Cangel's D (an '09) here: I was in Cohen last year. There was drinking in the rooms, so sub-free is a real misnomer. But the nice thing is that it's quieter. Of course, being next to frat row means it isn't very quiet ever, but whatever. You might think you want people throwing up on your bed as a part of the college experience... but when you can hear other people throwing up outside your room, it's just sickening. Remember: you LIVE in these dorms. You're there when you feel bad, when you're tired, when you just broke up with your HTH, etc. Enjoy the respite from the frat scene. And even if you do want to party in the room, respect the other people in the dorm who don't want to live in a transplanted frat basement.</p>
<p>Oh no, I'm not upset at all. My roommate doesn't seem like the uptight sub free type, and even if everyone else is really uptight, I guess we'll just have to be the coolest kids in Cohen.</p>