The Official "I Got In!" Thread

<p>congrats rodney! did you just find out today?</p>

<p>No, earlier in week for my d but didn't post....thanks for the congrats....</p>

<p>HOORAY for me...thought they would kick me off wisconsin login services cause I was checking 30 times a day (if I'm in it means no more applications)as it's my really HIGH (close to the top) second choice and.... </p>

<p>I logged on first thing this morning (SATURDAY) and I'm In WHOO HOOOO
Hooray. I know they've been really backed up and everybodys hungry for Wisconsin responses so here are the facts as much as I can recollect:</p>

<p>Appplied over internet 10/3
school sent transcruipt 10/16
Teacher recs 10/20</p>

<p>Moved from "Looking for all materials" to your "application is being consdidered and reviewed" 10/26</p>

<p>Checked daily for updates, got Acceptance today 11/17</p>

<p>Stats: OOS white female
3.7 UW 4.25 W (all honors High Honors and AP)
2040 SAT (with really bad math)
29 ACT (34 writing) But I don't think they had time to process the ACT scores</p>


<p>Thanks for listening to my rants!!!!</p>

<p>Hooray, My first acceptance into college! I just got in today.</p>

<p>congrats guys!</p>

<p>it seems to be taking forever for in state students</p>

<p>about 40 people from my school applied and only 3 have heard back so far. two of them were no brainers and the other kid applied like the day it opened. most of us at our school applied around mid-end september</p>

<p>a regional admissions officer reviews apps first. bc of that, areas with more applicants will take longer to process and review apps. i'm guessing if you live in an area where 40 kids from one school alone are applying, it will take longer.</p>

<p>I got accepted Friday! I still haven't gotten the stuff in the mail yet though.</p>

<p>White OOS Female
33 ACT
3.99 UW GPA
Top 3% of class</p>

<p>I'm not sure if I'll go but it's nice to be accepted...makes you feel good! Ha.</p>

<p>WIll they notify you on email if you got in or not?</p>

<p>^^ no, they don't notify you via email. Although, shortly after my son got accepted, he received an email about housing, and another about honors.</p>

<p>Is the status check down by any chance?</p>

<p>ok, so i turned in my app and all materials on oct 26, and it still says they are checking to see that all my materials are together...</p>

<p>so i guess i have the same question as hpandu above me?</p>

<p>and how soon after did they tell u u were in?</p>

<p>White in-state male
35 ACT, 2310 SAT
4.0 UW GPA
Ranked 1/330</p>

<p>I was accepted a few months ago, but I submitted my app right away on the opening day (Sept. 15th or something like that). I don't think the party atmosphere at Madtown fits me too well, but at least I know it's an option.</p>

<p>I’M IN! </p>

<p>OOS (NJ)
GPA - 3.5 UW
Rank – My school ranks only in deciles using their version of Weighted which probably puts me around the top 15% level.
Honors / AP – By the end of my Junior Year I had taken 10 Honors courses along with AP Physics. My senior Schedule includes Honors English, AP World History, AP US History, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, and AP Calculus
EC – The run of the mill stuff like most everyone
SAT = 1340/1600 and 1970/2400.
SAT II – Math II (720), Physics (710), Chemistry (710)
ACT = Composite of 31 (32 if they super score) on two separate tests with highs of 35 on the Science section and 33 on the Math Section. Lowest score was a 29 on the English section.</p>

<p>Visited in October and loved the campus
Application sent on October 20th
Application deemed complete and went to “Under Review” on November 8th
Got accepted today.</p>

<p>Yeah... still waiting on a september 21st application. In state female, 31 ACT, 3.85 GPA, AP, Honors, Gifted and Talented clases throughout HS. Are they doing the OOS first?</p>

<p>kimu...what a drag, You're such a strong candidate and since the Wisconsin site doesn't have a list of specific items received (or those they are still waiting for) I'd have your counselor call. I bet they're missing a teacher rec or something and since thet're so backlogged they haven't noticed or notified you. Are you in that "we are matching your materials...." state or have you moved onto "A counselor is reviewing..." If it's the later, you can assume they have everything in. Did you write an essay about your love of performing experiements on live animals...cause if you didn't I'd bet $100 that you'll be in Madison come August. Still you should follow up. Anyone in your school heard?</p>

<p>bobby: i turned in my stuff around oct. 10th, and was accepted at the beginning of last week. i think yours is caught in the huge piles that are starting to build up, i'd say probably the latest would be mid-dec. mine took 5 weeks, but you submitted yours right in the peak of fall apps, so it might take a little longer.</p>

<p>bmwdan13. Don't worry about UW as a party school- there are plenty of people who don't fit that old stereotype. "study hard-party hard"- do the first and not the second like many UW students. Visit the school.</p>

<p>salem1... here's the deal. I had my gc call two weeks ago and the person that's reviewing my school also travels around WI doing presentations etc. She apparently had looked at my file and knew things about me, but she said that I would have a decision in no more than two weeks. Well, two weeks have come and gone and still I have nothing. They have everything, but it took them from 9/21 to 10/18 to complete my file. It's said that someone is reviewing my application for the past 5 weeks. And no, I didn't discuss my love of animal experimentation in an essay :)</p>

<p>I was postponed...</p>

<p>SAT: 1380/1600
GPA: 3.46 (unweighted; attend a top-10 private school in the country)
Other: Excellent work experience and ec's</p>

<p>I was a little surprised...</p>