The OFFICIAL "I got into Stanford SCEA but am still waiting on Harvard/Yale" thread

<p>Im going to Stanford unless I get into Harvard or Yale, in which case i'll have a choice to make. Im not anticipating having to make that choice, so im not gonna think about it until it comes up, if it does. If you are in the same or similar situation, what do you plan to do? ( by the way, i know i swore that Stanford was my first choice and it is, but thats not counting HY because anyone who actually plans on getting into those schools is a fool)</p>

<p>I would never take Yale OR Harvard over Stanford. I wouldn’t take Princeton over Stanford, or Oxford, or Cambridge, or Duke, or MIT, or any other school.</p>

<p>I’m not applying to Harvard, but I have to be honest; Yale is probably the only reason I haven’t enrolled at Stanford yet.</p>

<p>I got in EA Stanford also. If I get into Harvard, it will be a tough decision. But I am loving Stanford more and more with each passing day.</p>

<p>Hey, Can I ask why you haven’t applied to Yale for Early Action?
Is it because you were not sure if you would get into Yale, but maybe a higher chance for Stanford?</p>

<p>I’m just asking out of curiosity, as a junior; no offense, and again congratulations!</p>

<p>You who? I didn’t apply to Yale because I didn’t want to go to Yale, I wanted to go to Stanford. I assume most Stanford SCEA applicants had similar thought processes.</p>

<p>well when it comes to Stanford and Yale, who wouldnt want to go to either of them. Im thrilled at the chance to attend Stanford and I will be thrilled if i get into Yale. Both schools are equally incredible so knowing that I could only apply early to one, I picked Stanford because I thought I had a better shot. Yale would of likely just deferred me(at best) anyway. I personally think im a better fit for Stanford, which is why I liked my chances.</p>

<p>I also made the difficult choice of choosing whether or not to apply to stanford or yale early. I love both, but I felt that I had a better chance at stanford (and I was right :D). I dunno, for some reason, although both are ridiculously selective, stanford seems much less intimidating than Yale (and HP). I guess there is also the fact that based on my own personal circumstances I would have a better chance at stanford while others from different schools might have had a better chance at yale. For example, there were 4 other people applying SCEA to Yale, while I’m the only one who applied to Stanford. Also, being from NY hurts slightly for Yale and helps slightly for stanford due to the whole “geographic diversity” thing.</p>

<p>Stanfords SCEA admit rate was like almost a full percentage point lower than Yale’s…</p>

<p>i applied and got in ea to stanford, but i am still waiting on harvard. i come from Orange County, CA where pretty much everyone thinks the world of Stanford. It sounds like from reading some of your posts about having a better chance of getting into Stanford that it is a close second to HPY? Is that the case in other parts of the country?</p>

<p>GimmeStanford, I thought I had a better shot at Stanford not because of selectivity but because I think i fit the school better. everyone knows that both schools are insanely difficult to gain admission into.</p>

again i didn’t think one was superior to another.
It was just my thought because the OP mentioned Harvard/Yale and Yale is another Early action school with Stanford.</p>


Are you talking abuot me?
what do you mean by a close second to HPY?</p>

<p>^^ to the above poster, Stanford was SCEA = Single Choice Early Action. You weren’t allowed to do any other early action programs, thus nobody who applied to Stanford EA could do Yale EA.</p>

<p>I also picked Stanford because I thought I would have a higher chance of getting in EA.</p>

Hmm… yea that was the whole point of my question.
Why did people who chose Stanford did so over Yale in “single-choice” EA…
but sorry for confusion ^^</p>

<p>Also, Stanford is a better school than Yale. That’s another reason for applying SCEA to it.</p>

<p>Well, I applied SCEA to Stanford because, quite frankly, Stanford offers more in the things that I’m interested in. Yale’s not as strong in what I was looking for. That being said, I’m waiting on H&P… if (and this is a big IF) I got into P, then I would have a tough choice to make but for now I’m pretty sure S > H. Forget US News rankings, haha!</p>

<p>Bump for the 2014 crowd. Im basically in this situation: in at stanford, waiting for harvard. Harvard is the only reason I havent accepted the offer yet, as I would have a tough time deciding between the two.</p>

<p>I’m the reverse–Yale SCEA waiting on Stanford!</p>

<p>I applied and was accepted Stanford SCEA, but I applied to Yale regular as well because those are my top 2 college choices(Stanford with the edge in my mind). At the moment, Stanford simply seems like it’s offering me the full package: location, size(it’s huuuuge which is a definite advantage relative to Yale, which I found pretty small when I visited), proximity to home(I live in socal), top rankings in my prospective areas of study and versatility if I choose to switch to something else(though I concede that Yale has this as well). Of course, I can’t forget the comparison of financial aid packages in the unlikely chance that I’m accepted to Yale. Oh and another hearty congratulations to all my fellow admits!</p>