The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

You got in?


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Congrats!!! I don’t see anything… where is the tab?

There’s just an admissions button which doesn’t work, correct?

That’s what I have.

me too

Oh well, I guess that means I didn’t get in. Not surprised but still pretty sad…

I see the “enrollment” button next to it

Yeah so we didn’t get in.

i think they’re doing it in waves in order to stop the website from crashing.

Did you get a Congratulations message or something?


Blair came out. Waitlisted.

Same. I wish you luck with your other schools!

Hi! I was in your son’s shoes last year (waitlisted and rejected everywhere) as an 8th grader and decided to apply again this year as a 9th grader. I definitely think financial aid is a factor, unfortunately.

And even though I haven’t been the happiest with my results, I do have somewhere I can commit to next year. I think it’s worth it! I tried to reflect on my application and see what I could improve, but sometimes there are things just out of your control. Sorry I don’t have much other advice and I’m sorry you had disappointing results but I wish you the best of luck in you and your sons future endeavors!!


Hey everyone! I haven’t had a chance to fully read this thread since the last time. So congrats to anyone who was accepted! I’m so happy for you and you deserve it so much! For everyone who got rejected/waitlisted, please try to remember that 1. You will probably get into another school you applied to and 2. If you have already received all of your decisions, I know it’s hard, I experienced it last year. I promise it’ll all work it’s way out in the future.

Also, if anyone was wondering, waitlisted at Andover :))


Only Exeter and Groton decisions left for me… I’m sure that I’m rejected from Groton and I had big expectstions from Exeter but I’m not sure anymore…

I haven’t got anything from blair

still waiting for lville


same, i just got two waitlists so now im worried