The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

GOOD JOB yeahh

guys i got waitlisted at putney…

im actually sad about this one


Oh wow I’m really sorry : (

Congratulations!!! :partying_face:

aw it’s okay. let’s all hope you get off of the waitlist!

waitlisted at lville. i have a chance at a top school at least because i’m qualified?

Ugh that sucks :’( Rooting for you on the other decisions. It’s not over yet!

accepted at Lville and Milton, waitlisted at Deerfield and Andover

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I guess I’m not upset that I didn’t get in exactly? I’m mostly upset that I can’t go to boarding school at all, if that makes sense.

woah! congrats

Everyone here getting waitlisted/accepted to Andover over here and I’m here with my rejection… :sob::ok_hand:


Thank you!


3 waitlists 1 acceptance 7 to go

@mondaydevil so sorry about putney. Let’s look at the bright side! You got into Westover!

20 mins till exeter

Milton accepted me into the wrong grade, do you think that’s fixable?

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Same lol

Im sure it is, which grade did they mark you for