The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Hey! Has anyone started their application yet? Also, I just scheduled my SSAT for October 24!!! AHH IM SO NERVOUS HAHA

@crazycookies You don’t need to pay the application fee if the school accepts the fee waver request.

Doing the candidate profile and drafting essays+ a little prep for ISEE. Ill submit things late, maybe in mid november. I really dont know, but lets see.

Hey y’all!!! I’m a Taftie (class of 2023)! Is anyone on here planning on applying to Taft? I figure it might help for y’all to get an inside view since there aren’t any visits this year. Good luck to everyone, it’s so exciting to see a new generation of applicants!

Hey! I was thinking about applying to Taft but I dont quite know yet! i woukd be applying for tenth grade also! I was wondering what some pros and cons are? Also do you think that they do a good job to integrate the current sophomores with the new ones? Thanks so much!

Hello everyone, I’m back again. Last year I was active on the M10 2020 thread (as a 9th grader applying to 10th), and as for the results, I got waitlisted at Andover and Exeter and accepted at another boarding school, and got rejected at Choate and St. Paul’s. I thought of going to the one I got accepted, but considering my parent’s financial situation and COVID, I decided not to go.
It was really disappointing because a whole year’s work has led to no results, but this year I got to do so many more things and developed my extracurriculars and passions a bit more. My plan for 2020 is to apply as a repeat 10th grader to one more school and continue on from there.

I’m curious to see how other applicants are doing! I’m currently writing my essays and I’m having a ton of fun.

A bit of concern I have is that I don’t really know what I want to be. I have so many things I want to study and pursue but I’m afraid of committing myself to just one. Connecting my dream career to the school’s courses and programs is a great way to show interest and effort but I have too many. I’m afraid I might seem indecisive and unplanned to the officers. Any thoughts?

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hey all!! i’m a 9th grader at hotchkiss. i don’t know if anyone is planning on applying there, but i can answer any questions you have about the school or apps in general:))

i’m so excited to see all the kids applying to schools this year!

good luck!!

Do sports matter alot in BS admissions? I’m kinda freaking out right now because I am NOT athletic, and I’ve never participated on a sports team in my life.

@fiafort Taft does a great job in making new sophomores feel included!!! Additionally, the students are very welcoming. I, being a returning sophomore, have reached out to several new sophomores to help them transition into a boarding school environment. Looking at my class directories, there is a very good balance between new sophomores and returners! I can guarantee you that you will never feel out of place due to being new. There are about 50 new sophomores each year.

@fiafort I’d say a huge pro is definitely the campus. I’m sure you’ve seen how beautiful it is, but it is also very convenient, as all of your classes will be no more than a 3 minute walk. A con would be the possibility of having a smaller room as a new student, but it’s nothing that would throw off your boarding school experience! PM me for more information!!!
(also applies to everyone who wants to know more about Taft!!!)

I got a skateboard over the summer, do you guys think boarding schools allow people to skate between classes?

@mondaydevil people ride scooters and skateboards at taft literally in the hallways so probably, but i also can’t speak for other schools

Hello I am just here to express my emotions: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk. For real though, good luck to everyone :slight_smile:

I’m applying to these schools in order of preference:


pretty sure i won’t get into 4/5 of these schools (ill be lucky to get into 1) but i’m freaking out bc i’m scaredddd

Anyone can help me with some last minute things for an Exeter Interview? I’m doing it on Tuesday and super scared :grimace:

@pearlescentrose I did one last year, so I could help! I think I might be too late but… well, I’m here.

@SolarJ Yes please help I’m extremely nervous

What do you guys think of my school list so far? Any suggestions for more schools to add? I’m looking for schools of any size, with at least some form of computer science and Latin, within 3 hours of southern New Hampshire.

Concord Academy
Tabor (Maybe/Probably)
Dana Hall (Maybe)
Nobles and Greenough (Maybe/Probably)
St. Paul’s (Maybe)
St. Mark’s (Maybe)
Miss Porter’s (Maybe/Probably)
Westover (Maybe)

okay i might be the only one talking on this thread but im starting high school this year and its a lot more difficult than i thought it would be. i had always considered my current school as easy so now im doubting my capability to thrive at a boarding school academically… but also ive realized that the high school of my school is so much better than the middle school (i go to a 6-12). i love my humanities course because we’re actually analyzing the book rather than just reading the book and taking a test or writing an essay with a very generic prompt. so i think that having this semi rigorous course load might prepare me for a sophomore year at boarding schools? hopefully? we’ll see if i even get in haha

@mondaydevil I love this report! I’m so happy that 9th grade has brought new challenges. Oh and I like your list. Did you consider Groton?
BTW you and my DD3 have a few overlapping schools. Maybe there will be revisits this year (wishful thinking?) and your paths will cross. Anyway — cheering you on!