The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

I feel like when it’s the end of the day, I feel like time passed really quickly. But when its the beginning or middle of the day time feels super long lol

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We have just broke the 100 Hour barrier!!!

Only 96 hours to go everybody!

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Also, I see quite a few Kent acceptances!!!

Congrats @KateKara24, @prepschool2021, @SweetBoy1, @illinoismomof2, and everybody else who got accepted!!!


Milton sent out 3 separate emails last night basically describing their acceptance. Is this typical?

agreed, congrats to all who got accepted to kent!!

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has anyone else been having dreams about acceptances/rejections…


I forgot what I dreamed about so idk. I’ve been having random dreams lately… But I remember dreaming about getting rejected everywhere, and getting accepted into SPS and Exeter.

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yea i had a dream i got accepted everywhere which ik is most likely not going to happen😂

omg same

I had one dream about M10 but I think I’m doing more of the fantasizing about what might happen. Like imagining myself telling my friends “oh my god guys I just got into Miss Porter’s!!!” and opening a letter and being accepted (or rejected) etc.

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For those who can’t visit: we drove by Miss Porter’s a month ago and there is a lot of campus renovation and construction underway. It’s a pretty and charming place, and some of the facilities and buildings upgrades are going to be amazing.

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I haven’t had any dreams about BS lol


Four days left. Because no carpool, I have ordered DD to watch the DIvergent series (featuring the hottie FOUR) and I recommend it for those of y’all trying to pass the time today without freaking out!

Hang in there!

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I second that recommendation! The movies are good (very hot actors), but the books are 10x better!

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Yeah, the movies have a really weird plot and it’s pretty different. I love divergent though!! I’d totally pick dauntless!!

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Has anyone received an SPS portal or time? I received an email some time ago when I submitted my application that said they would release a detailed email regarding how we can access decisions the first week of March. I haven’t gotten anything and am beginning to get worried.

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I haven’t gotten anything yet either.

Yeah me either

Would anyone be able to recommend boarding school youtube channels? I can’t really find any, but I think youtube is a great way to pass time.