The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

I bet last week was them going through the final list to make sure it’s correct. Then this week they’ll prepare to send mail/ upload the portals

Ok so hypothetical question: Say a school viewed someone’s whole video again on Feb 27th. Would that mean they’re being considered or getting rejected?

hYpOtHetICaLLy, they would be considered >:)

don’t worry you’re literally getting in smh

As far as the later grades are concerned (Grades 11, 12, and PG), I’d reckon (most) of their decisions are made by late January to early February, as there’s typically fewer applicants for this group, and many (especially in PG) are recruited beforehand.

I recall that one of the schools I applied to (as an eleventh grader) reached out to me in late January (27th?) for an interview. In that interview, I was informed that my application was recently read and that they wanted me to elaborate something written in my Candidate Profile.

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Earlier grades such as 9 and 10, are typically considered throughout the application season, due to the sheer number of applicants.

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how many total views did you get?

Idk, I’m probably just giving myself false hope.

Uhhh 7 views from Andover…

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That could be good sign, tbh. It could mean that you made to the ‘seriously considering’ pile, and that the AOs wanted to view your supplement one last time before they finalize their decision for you.

I would say considered

I hope so. There’s nothing really special about my application though, so I’m sorta uncertain, but I’ll see on March 10th. Good luck everyone!

End of Feb and then the first week of march is like the numbers and stuff like that

I heard there would be several rounds for accepted applicants. These days it may be in the final round, say about 20 students for last 2-3 spots which will be determined by the admission committees.

Oh that’s very interesting! I didn’t know that :o

also scary

Yes also that. A lot of that.

Welp, I’ll just have to hope that I at least get waitlisted :clown_face::ok_hand:

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that’s actually so scary

Bruh I’d actually be proud of myself for getting waitlisted with that information.

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oh my god, that’s honestly terrifying. do you guys know how many people make it on the waitlist? as in, is it the same number as get admitted, more or less?