The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Were you offered “verify by text message” option?


I signed up again using a different user name but same address and put my mom’s phone number in. It verified immediately so you have to put one of your parents in

does anyone have a parent/sibling that can check the FedEx shipping management system for that “glitch?” Or even a CC parent.

Yeah, my parents can’t but it’d be cool if a cc parent could! I’m trying to convince myself not to check fedex…whee…

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I’ve decided that the package thing is probably pretty unreliable for me but OMGGG the ppl who see something hold onto that hope cause all of you guys are so great I’m sure you’ll get in somewhere so don’t stress,

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i saw master, then reloaded the page and it was gone

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fedex is going to be the reason my anxiety triples

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i changed it to my parents number. nothing.

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Alright we need a distraction! Who wants to find a kahoot to play?

huh that’s strange

ok that gives me a little more hope. maybe exeter just loves us.

ooh I would be down for a fun kahoot!!

Okay yeah I’m too impatient I’m checking fedex

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Good idea!

Alright! Any category ideas?


I was not expecting that haha but okay!

I ended up calling them and was informed that they would release at 8 am.

By the way, this is at 8 am EST on m10.

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