The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread


(Ugh cc lemme post this)

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AWWW THABKS GUYS OMGOGM I LITERALLY LOVE YALL!!! :pleading_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart:

yes this is a sentence lol


OMG CONGRATULATIONS AHHHH!! Let’s hope for more acceptances to come!

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What’s with CC stopping us from posting “incomplete” sentences? Is it an anti-spam feature?


Ikr it is so weird

i got rejected everywhere lmao i don’t have any packages from ups, usps, or fedex

Ok I’m not checking FedEx because it would only stress me out more. Congratulations to everyone who has a notification though! I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes down because all of you truly deserve to attend all of these boarding schools, but just because I have had the experience of using “clues” like this last year and not getting the results I was expecting, I would like to encourage everyone with the notification to proceed with caution. I am sure every one of you got in, but I personally would wait for further confirmation before throwing a full on party if you know what I mean haha.

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Congrats everyone!!

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Glad to see everyone being so active! My first results come out almost 12 hours later and I’m pretty excited.


same ):

Idk - sometimes it lets me post one word answers and sometimes it requires ‘full sentences’. Also I think typing in all caps may set it off.


cc please stop

Okay uh I actually have to go so I guess the kahoot will end here? Sorry ack!


Oh okay see ya!! This was super fun thanks for hosting it

Hahaha that’s okay - was fun while it lasted

yay! i won