The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

Also, in any way, have boarding schools started putting people in a waiting list only to accept them later? To lower their acceptance rates and increase over-all yield? I’ve heard many colleges do this.

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Colleges and schools want to enroll the students that will make a great community. They don’t prioritize acceptance and yield stats over that.

Remember that they only have a fixed # of beds. They want them all fiiled and they don’t have room for overflow.

Understand WL in that context.

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Same answer probably. I don’t know specifics with PEA, but they figure it out. It’s not their first rodeo.

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The “Freshman Village” has been around for several years (about 8 years now). You are correct that there are about 103 Freshman - so that makes for a relatively small class of about 51 girls and 52 boys. You do get to know everyone. There are pro’s and con’s to this type of housing situation. The housing/bed numbers impact the number of Freshman at several schools. Groton, for example, has an extremely small 8th grade class.

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Congrats! I hope to see you on the revisit day!

Calling on all of our wonderful BS kids to chime in on this thread to help dispel some blatant misinformation about boarding school (before it gets shut down).

Parents – it’s better to let the kids handle this one.


I know this is kind of late, but it’s been on my mind for a while:
Choate’s enrollment manager wrote an email to me about how my interviewer had a great conversation and how choate would be a great community for me.
A student tour guide also reached out but I’m just now seeing the email that I never replied to.
(This all happened around January)
Now that I’m waitlisted, I was just wondering if I replied to those emails, would I have had a better chance?


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They probably too good to care about interest that much😀 if you already have a choice, be happy with the school loves you. Good luck!

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Don’t sweat that at all! My son received the exact same email from the big admissions guy at Choate. It seemed at first like a form letter, so my son didn’t respond. Later, we looked at it again and it seemed somewhat tailored to him so we both freaked out because so much time had passed and he never emailed back. In the end, he was accepted and we had not answered the email.

“how my interviewer had a great conversation and how Choate would be a great community for me” This is spot on to what ours said. Not responding did not hurt you!


And to the same thing we received the exact same letter from the Dean of enrollment - we responded to him and the dean of admissions who interviewed expressing that Choate was our number 1 choice - we were waitlisted. Don’t overthink!


I did get that too. I did not responded to it. I thought the same thing as maybeboardingmom, but in the end I got accepted too, so it did not hurt me.

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Just want to express sincere gratitude for this forum. It was really, really helpful.

Also wanted to say, fwiw, that the whole package notification tip was a good one, but only in part. We set it up on each svc a few days b4 M10, first in a parent name and then the applicant name. Changing it to the applicant name enabled us to see that one acceptance package was en route–but that was the only one–and the applicant was lucky enough to get into more than one school that sent swag. In other words, if you’re reading this in M2023, and as others have said above, don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a notice that swag is en route.

Good luck to everyone–with WLs and next year if you’re looking at this then.


Our first choice school sent a package and was the only one that managed to do it in fully stealth mode. Don’t give up hope if you don’t have notifications.

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We did not get notifications and were disappointed but we received the swag from her top choice school.

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got off exeter waitlist somehow


NICE. (yes this is a sentence)

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CONGRATS!!! (this is a sentence)

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