The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

What special is this school?

it’s just
well it’s a super super super good day school in Texas
and decisions are also out on M10

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@babysnoopy yeah I am

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There are many in the country. You may want to edit your post to mention the particular one you speak of.

oh oops ok

T - 5

Anyone else gonna do a celebration if they get into the schools they want? My parents are gonna take me out for dinner if I do!


didnt think of an appropriate celebration because im gonna go out to dinner soon for birthday anyways

id probably just do some random stuff and let all my siblings know : D


My parents took me out for dinner a few days before, so that it wouldn’t look conditional or anything. They’re doing the same with my college results this year.


Oh that’s smart, they’re gonna take
Me out either way, I’m either gonna be celebrating or it’s a consolation dinner LOL


Does anyone else rely on school to distract them from m10💀


Yep :skull: and sleeping, sleeping is the best, it brings me eight less hours


im trying to distract it with midterm review and just random stuff like music
not working : /


I really was not looking forward to this weekend :sob: send me into an endless sleep until monday


Wait you guys have these crazy lists of extra curriculars and y’all have nothing to do to keep you preoccupied? Really?


Yes! Speaking for my daughter - it’s true! Especially on the weekends. It’s one of the reasons she is looking forward to boarding school - there will be more work and activities to fill her days. Right now, she spends less than one hour on homework a day and her activities only take until 5 pm on the weekdays (and hardly ever have anything on the weekends). So, by 6 pm, she is done with activities, homework, dinner, etc. We have a family rule of no TV or video games on weekdays, so she has 4.5 hours to fill every weekday. On the weekends, it is even more. There is only so much painting and drawing and hiking and baking and reading she can do without thinking of her application results that are coming very soon!


Lol same my birthday is in 2 days.


thats not what we mean.
for example, weekend afternoon, Im reading a math book, sometimes Id start thinking about M10 involuntarily

and you make it sound like ECs are gonna keep you occupied like literally every minute

dont tell me your child doesnt think about M10 and how close it is


and you make it sound like ECs are gonna keep you occupied like literally every minute

Yes, in fact they can. No my child is not obsessing over it, because he IS busy. In fact, on March first I had to remind him he had 10 more days. His response, “oh yeh.” His trimester ends that day and THAT was what he thought I was referring to. We’ve been at a 4 day meet, prior to that was winter break. With our snow storms, he’s been out shoveling, sledding, and having snowball fights with friends. He has 3 hrs of practice 6 days a week. I asked him yesterday if he wants to take the day off on Friday (he has another meet starting that evening but he wouldn’t need to miss any school for that one) so he was confused and said, “I thought the meet didn’t start until Friday evening.” I had to remind him it was the day decisions come out. He legit is not even concerned or thinking about it, he has plenty of things to occupy his time with. No he is not obsessing over it.


My daughter is busy too with finishing trimester strong, beginning to review for finals, she gets 3 hrs of homework a night and activities. She is happy she got to watch a show tonight on tv. She is not focusing on m10 since she will get her results later and is looking forward to spring break trip and friends. I reco finding something else to focus on otherwise the days will go very slow. I am surprised some of the kids are on here as much as they are given all the ECs they do.


On March 1st, I said “10 more days!” and my son rolled his eyes and said “My teacher was right. This process really DOES make parents go crazy.”

(But I can tell that he’s nervous, too.)