The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Winchendon is rolling admission. March 10 doesn’t mean anything to them. I don’t know about the other schools.


I assume that they and the British School of Boston take a lot of transfer kids from other countries and around the US. Those families often only get a few month’s notice before moving to a new country, so the schools couldn’t possibly cut off enrollment 9 months before the school year starts.

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Mom here is anxious - S26 is pretty chill though. It might be that Mom (and Dad) have another child deciding on where they will go to college in the fall of 2023 (acceptances in) and is also selling current home and getting new home ready to move into. Lucky college son 1 just got a job as he is a senior and college dude 2 has a great/amazing internship this summer! Oh - I also had an interview a few days ago lol nothing like being busy…

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My daughter is more relaxed than I am, but as Friday gets closer, it is hitting home and she’s thinking about it more.


Did anyone receive emails from Andover or PEA about checking the portal for M10?

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at least i dont think so

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Same here. I actually planned our spring break trip to see our daughter who is on a semester abroad from the west coast to land on the east coast during revisit days. Then, if my twins don’t get in anywhere, we’ll see family and maybe a Broadway show before coming home. Revisits would be a happy addition to the itinerary.!


wow that is a LOT going on! I am amazed you can keep track of it all:)

Lol lucky for me there is not a lot on TV that I like (other than All Creatures Great and Small but that is another thread).

Welp, it wasn’t a scholarship. They were doing yield protection. Our daughter could not commit to coming if accepted (she wants to have all options in hand before making an informed decision), so they told the counselor she has been waitlisted.


lol! that does help!

I am sorry, that is really frustrating!!

I think it was a place where they could see that there was an area where the fit wasn’t quite there. Or maybe they just thought she would likely have other options on March 10 and they could tell she was likely to choose a different school (they did ask the counselor where else she had applied). They would not have been wrong, even though she would have been happy to attend there, it was not in her top tier of schools she is hoping for an acceptance from on Friday.

As others have said in years past, the schools somehow do a very good job of figuring out which kids will thrive in their particular environment so we figure there was something about our daughter’s application that told this school that she was probably likely to choose another, better fit.

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does anyone have the thread where they tell you when the decisions on M10 are out and where? I saw it before but somehow can’t find it

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There’s a great one from last year (and assuming things don’t change much). The one from this year isn’t as nicely organized.

This is the one from last year: Prep School 2022 Decision Release Timing?


@landscapeeveryday I’m not sure there is one for 2023, but here is last years’ - Prep School 2022 Decision Release Timing There may have been changes though?

Wishing you the best of luck on 10 March! :sparkles:

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Ooops @RoonilWazlib99 and I crossed! :upside_down_face:

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is there anyone here applying to concord? i saw the release time on ravenna but I’m not sure if its EST at my time, can someone tell me what they see?

Ravenna says 9am for me, and I am EST.

I know in past they have released early AM - like 6-7am EST though…


FYI, in 2021 (no guarantee same this year) Concord also emailed out decisions. I asked a friend whose kids applied there they…got a rejection email at 6:20am on M10. Not sure what ravenna promised back then though.

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