The Official PSAT For Saturday October 21, 2006

<p>How does APUSH homework only take you 30min? I have to spend like 2 hours a night on the reading!! I guess I read slowly...</p>

<p>hey guys, le'ts just make an entire list</p>

<p>mine: soulseed9883</p>

<p>keep on adding guys</p>

<p>wat was the NO ERROR for Writing?</p>


<p>ok there was one question on the math that was like... find 3 digit numbers w/ units digit 5, hundreds 7
what was the answer for that?
the choices were 7, 10, 2..or something</p>



<p>why is it 10?
you cant have 1075...thats that 3 digit
and 075 isnt 3 digit either</p>

Fill in the blank. There's 10 possible. 0-9.</p>

<p>i concur :)</p>

<p>i put ten because i got 705 715 725 735 745 755 765 775 785 795</p>

<p>7 in the hundreds place, 5 in the digits place so....
7 _ 5

<p>aim: adx2infinitum</p>

<p>oh. i put 10 too..i just didnt know why
i misread it to be _75</p>

<p>sorry mistake freshmanpunks123</p>

<p>The Bronte one was no error. I missed it because I misread the question-I thought "more as a writer than as an artist" sounded wordy with the second as but it was just following parallelism.</p>

<p>Two more writing ones-plato and aristotle? I put no error for that one but I scanned it really quickly so it's probably wrong. The answer I heard has something to do with people. I was preoccupied with the whole thought/taught thing before I realized both were right.</p>

<p>And also, the one with lawyers and asking a jury? I passed that as no error, because it seemed to flow-but then I'm really not sure.</p>

<p>I'm going to rack up a list of everything I remember. Ugh, if I miss anymore-I doubt I'll make 216.</p>

<p>hmm u guys knwo the korean one</p>

<p>was one answer sensible and practical about how her views of korea reflect on experience</p>

<p>wicollegeo, i think the lawyers one was supposed to correct "a member" to "members" b/c the subject was "kinds"</p>

<p>isnt it kinds of people</p>

<p>Heh, yeah. There goes the 800 writing. I can't stand the no error questions.</p>

<p>Anyway, I can't believe I did this...but I tried to compile all the math questions on the test, and this is the result...33/38 questions, including all the gridins:</p>

<p>Over 3/4ths of the multiple choice questions
Area of square circle=32
Paint Mixture=30
=0 question, x^2=y^2
Perpendicular Slope where m < 0
21st Sunday
x^2+xy area of rectangle+square
volume of two cubes 10
x, when f(x) = x+1
Graph with girl in bike-starts with a steep slope, goes to a 0 slope, then even steeper
4 is a tripable number with 11
X circle Y 314 is 24
Median of kids watching TV is 14
Probability of selecting a girl speaking more than one language is 8/27
t+w+x+y=360 parallel line angles
Number line CD=7
10 numbers with 7_5
f(x)=3x^3-x+1 f(-1)=-1
If the horizontal and vertical crosses add up to the same thing then x=1
Digits question 3(x+y)=10x+y (try 27)
Y coordinate was t=-9
10 for the 50/x = x percent x=10
3^100 for the 3,9,27,81 sequence
17 for the two isoceles triangles</p>

<p>ALL gridins, more or less in order
11 or 12 for the <50, >50
7 artists submitting 2 paintings
2400 people total
52.5 chairs made
19 < x < 23 for the third triangle leg
0.25 for ar+br
4 for the exponent 2y+1
141 degrees for parallel lines
80 cars
0.5 diameter of circle</p>

<p>If anyone can remember the remaining 5 questions, post if you like...and feel free to add any corrections, I know I messed up somewhere. After all, I did miss three, and all were stupid mistakes. (i misread the question on two, and filled in the grid incorrectly for the other one). Ugh, I think I filled out the wrong bubble for another-we'll see.</p>

<p>waht was the lawyer question?</p>