The Official PSAT For Saturday October 21, 2006

<p>actually it could be from 11 to 13</p>

<p>it is x^2=y^2 </p>

<p>because both the others would equal this but this could equal either of the others, so this must be true</p>

<p>What would -1 in Math be? 78? 77?</p>

<p>does anyone remember the one about watching sports and being athletic and reading a medical book and being healthy? was that NO ERROR?</p>

<p>that's what i put</p>

<p>also, including that question about the healthy/athletic, did you get 3 straight no errors?</p>

<p>no... i just put no error for that one</p>

<p>i got no error for something else before that I think, I don't remember anymore</p>

<p>damn i guess i got 1-2 wrong in w, prob like 8-10 wrong in cr, and 1-2 in math. can anyone try to figure out my score</p>

<p>i only got 2 no errors in the whole writing i think...maybe 3</p>

<p>M: 77-74
C: 65 - 63
W: 80 - 78</p>

<p>for the healthy/athletic, i put healthy as wrong answer</p>

<p>i thought it had to be an adverb (healthier)</p>

<p>dunno if im right</p>

<p>im not so sure kevtser, because athletic was the same part of speech as healthy(adjective), and it didnt say "more athletic" just "athletic" so i dont think it would be an adverb for healthy</p>

<p>i'm almost completely sure of it, but i may be wrong so we need to see some more feedback</p>

<p>in the writing section, what was the answer to the question that went like:</p>

<p>The economy suffered through a recession that was equal to, if not worse than, the recession that occured a decade ago.</p>

<p>....or something like that. can't really remember the exact sentence.
someone told me the error was "suffered through" because it should be "suffered from" that correct?</p>

<p>i put no error but i doubted myself a lot on that question so i have no idea</p>

<p>Perfectly flawed--I believe the sentence was worded like that except it said "equal" and was missing the to, and thus that was the error.</p>

<p>for the one with healthy and athletic. I put the error that the "as" should have been "than." Someone a page or two back agreed with me.</p>

<p>I got just one no error...the one with Bronte or something like that.</p>

<p>mr nice guy, im not sure exactly what you mean by "as" instead of "than", could you try to recreate the sentence for me?</p>

<p>I don't remember the sentence exactly..
something like:</p>

<p>People are no more likely to become athletic by watching TV as to become healthy by reading medical textbooks.</p>

<p>so the "as" should have been "than."
perhaps, i am remembering the sentence wrong... =/</p>

<p>I agree with mrniceguy--it was supposed to be "than"--but unfortunately I don't quite remember the sentence.</p>