<p>I must be the biggest procrastinator on the planet. No exaggeration. </p>
<p>I'm a freshman at Queen's university and I don't recall ever having worked seriously this year, or.. ever. In fact, I haven't even opened a book in the past 2 weeks.
Somehow, however, despite doing next to nothing, I've always managed to slip by and achieve what I want... Like getting 38 on my IB or getting into top colleges.
Is it that, for some obscure and twisted reason, Lady Luck insists on smiling upon me, despite the obvious fact that I don't deserve it?</p>
<p>Whatever the reason, I always seem to be the exception to the universe's rule of karma. If I don't flunk out of college and become homeless, or die in the next two weeks, let it be known: there is no God.</p>
<p>For as long as I can remember, I've tried everything to avoid procrastination. It's never worked.</p>
<p>Recently, however, I experienced an epiphany of sorts: procrastination is avoidant behaviour, yes? (that's not the epiphany, the next part is.)
Avoiding avoidant behaviour doesn't work. It's redundant.
It's the wrong mentality. Instead of thinking, "how do I avoid procrastination?" you need to ask yourself "how do I get to work?".
You will be much more predisposed to actually start working when the word 'procrastination' has left your thoughts altogether.</p>
<p>Essentially, what I'm saying is, eliminate negative thought patterns like "avoid procrastination" and replace them with positive patterns, like "get to work". Simple dumb psychology, I know.. but it works, on some level.</p>
<p>Then again, what do I know... I'm just giving anti-procrastination advice as a means to procrastinate further. I have 3 essays that are way past overdue and yet I'm writing about this crap.
Hypocritical? Very. Ironic? A bit, but in a tragic sort of way.</p>