The Official UMiami Class of 2014 Early Action Admissions Decisions Thread

<p>Still nothing in mail even though found out last week on UM.</p>

<p>Interesting how some people get their letter in the mail before their UM is updated, and others have the opposite.</p>

<p>deferred =(
3.4uw/3.8 w
SAT: 1180
60/280 rank
All-state tennis player/Academic All American,All county Lacrosse Player, president of FBLA, treasurer of Yearbook, and Event Coordinator of the class.
3 APs, rest Honors
guess we ll see what happens.</p>

<p>seems that everyone who was deferred had a low SAT/ ACT. That most be the big variable with Miami decisions this year</p>

<p>got accepted this afternoon!!!</p>

<p>female/new jersey
gpa: 3.9weighted
school doesnt rank
sats: 1370/1600 2050/2400
cr:680 w:680 m:690
satII: bio 650 (after freshman advanced bio) mathI 690
5aps the rest advanced and honors
decent amounts of ec, varsity captain: cheerleading, 3 year letter winner, among other leadership positions and youth groups, also a decent amount of volunteer work at hospitals and with kids</p>

<p>I got accepted into the college of engineering for biomedical engineering, but I want to switch to the college of arts and sciences. Ultimately, I want to compete for a spot in the medical scholars program. Does anyone know how I would go about doing this? Do I need to wait a year, or can I transfer before enrolling at UM? </p>

<p>3.5 unweighted
top 10%

<p>Just posting my stats…got Deferred…</p>

<p>Male/Miami, Florida
GPA (At time of applying to UM): 3.44 UW, 5.07 W
91st Percentile out of 972 Students in class
Full IB Diploma Candidate
3 AP classes, honors
SAT: 590 CR, 570 W, 650 W
ECs, Comm. Servie, etc:</p>

<p>Muslim Student Club Officer (9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade)
IB Board Member (11th and 12th grade)
Future Business Leaders of America (11th grade)
Beginner and Intermediate Guitar Ensemble (10th and 11th grade)
Student Council Representative (8th grade)
Islamic School of Miami – Office Aide (2006-present)
Project Downtown (2009-present)
Garki Hospital (Abuja, Nigeria) – Volunteered as a physician’s aide (2009)
Drug Free Youth In Town (DFYIT) Volunteer (2006)
NHS (2009-2010)
Internship Program at Hospital (2009-2010)</p>

<p>counsleor rec, and… yeah :)</p>

<p>I just got deferred. I am absolutely livid.
GPA UW: 4.0 for 2 years at old school then transferred to a much more competitive school and it’s ranged from a 3.3 to a 3.6
3 APs and numerous honors courses
School doesn’t rank
SAT CR: 580
SAT M: 660
SAT W: 720
ECs: Varsity hockey for 5 years (All-State, All-Division, All-Freshmen, Rookie of the Year), JV Field Hockey, JV Crew, many clubs
Volunteer Work: Tutor, Tour Guide, Global Partner
Job Experience: Scorekeeper, Ice hockey referee, cashier
I did the summer scholar program at the U this summer and got my professors to write recs for me.
Recs: good
Essay: I’ve been told by numerous people how good it is and that it was beautifully written. It was on a risky topic though.</p>


<p>My son applied to engineering and he indicated biomedical engineering. His acceptance on line didn’t say anything about engineering. He hasn’t gotten his letter in the mail yet. How did you know you were accepted into biomedical engineering? On line, letter?</p>

<p>Thanks and congrats</p>


<p>The admission letter online and in the mail are different. Online, mine did not indicate the college I was accepted into, but in the mail the first sentence was "Congratulations! You have been admitted to […] Biomedical Engineering in the College of Engineering.</p>

<p>Thanks billy3hill. Just wanted to make sure we hadn’t made some kind of mistake.</p>

<p>Got the Dickinson Scholarship! (20,000 a year)</p>


<p>GPA: 3.58W
ACT: 31
SAT: 1260/1600, 1890/2400 (M660, CR600, W630)
Filipino Male from Hawaii
11 AP/IB/Honors classes
ECs: 3 leadership positions, varsity basketball captain, etc etc</p>

<p>Wow, deferred
gpa-3.5 uw, 4.0 w
stats-sat 1350/2150 (800 writing)
honors, ap’s
good ec’s</p>

<p>do u guys think I’ll be accepted?</p>

<p>I applied for Regular Decision &

<p>GPA: 3.4 Unweighted, 4.0 Weighted
I Started in the ESOL Program (English for Students of Other Languages) when I was a freshman with the less demanding courses, now I’m a senior, and I’m taking the most advanced courses the school can offer.
My essay was “excellent” as said by my counselor.
Got a low score in the ACT and SAT, but I’m retaking them</p>

<p>Sent Two letters of recommendation</p>

<p>I’m Science Honor Society Ex-Vice president, Current Historian
Spanish Honor Society Vice-President
Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society Tutor)
Principal’s Student Advisory Committee member
I’m a Musician, but didn’t include that at all.</p>

<p>Current courses: AP Calculus, AP European History, College Algebra, Physics Honors, English IV Honors, Guitar 1(lol), AP Spanish.
Took extra-courses thru Florida Virtual School Such as Economics Honors, Personal Fitness, ETC…</p>

<p>What do you guys think?..
Will I maybe get deferred?</p>

<p>what do you think?</p>

<p>I think that w/o knowing your SAT/ACT scores it is impossible for us to say.</p>

<p>When do you think the regular decision people hear from UM?</p>

<p>I’d guess Mid March to early April</p>

<p>According to the site by April 15th , [Freshmen</a> Application Options & Deadlines | University of Miami](<a href=“]Freshmen”></p>

<p>I was just about to say April 15th too Attack Zebra which is a long time away! I just got deferred and now I have to wait another two months which i’m not happy about! April 15th seems to be really late considering even ivy’s go out on April 1st.</p>

<p>Even April 1st seems too long from now! I found out some other schools around then but more than likely will be going to Miami</p>

<p>Yeah I completely agree! April 1st is even too far away. I would love to go to Miami but since I won’t be receiving any scholarship money I probably wont be able to go if I get in. I wont be receiving any financial aid unfortunately and without aid I would probably be in $100000 of debt by the time I graduated which I obviously don’t want. I already have other good schools that I got into (Penn State and Uconn) which are a lot less money. I’m still waiting for UF and FSU but without any aid Miami is probably unaffordable for me.</p>