The Official UMiami Class of 2014 Early Action Admissions Decisions Thread

<p>Malibuhilton, did it say you got rejected or does it not say anything?</p>

<p>yeah it says i’m sorry to inform you that we are unable to offer you admission…</p>

<p>what were your stats malibu? any idea when the regular admissions decision are gunna come guys?</p>

<p>GPA - 4.4 (Weighted)/ 3.7 underweighted
my scores in each section of the SATs were 500 something</p>

<p>for myUM does it only show up if you applied through the umiami app? i did the common app so i dont think it’ll pop up…</p>

<p>it does pop up for the common app…my friend did common app and i did the umiami app…they were both online…his was there before mines actually!</p>

<p>yea i’m just not sure because i started doing the miami app and then switched to the common and submitted that one. i called them to make sure they had everything but now under admissions it gives me the incomplete miami app. if that makes sense? so i’m not sure if it will update… hmm :confused: congrats to everyone !</p>

<p>still nothing on myUM… starting to get stressed out…</p>

<p>Can I still post in this thread if I did Early Decision lol?? Because I am super excited.</p>

<p>I’m in also!</p>

<p>I got in!!! It was up on myum a few hours ago. In case your wondering I am from Chicago.</p>

<p>Rank: 105/850
ACT:32- 34 science, 33 math, 31 english, 30 reading
Classes: out of 20 classes I have taken 17 honors/AP- senior schedule: AP Bio, Calc, AP Psych, AP College English, AP Spanish
EC: gymnastics for 12 years, gymnastics coaching, and gymnastics managing. Also President of Wheel Throwing club/empty bowls fundraiser at school.
Recs: I had three, I think they must of been okay</p>

<p>I am still waiting for the letter to see if I got any scholarships. I have my fingers crossed.</p>

<p>I also won three awards: Academic All American, 2010-11 Illinois State Scholar, and my community’s Human Relations Award.</p>

<p>I understand sending out the letters in batches, but why do they have to update myUM in batches, it would be so much nicer if they did it all at once! I just want to know! I’m getting so anxious!</p>


<p>3.6 UW GPA
1270/1600 1890/2400 SAT (1270/1600 1940/2400 superscored)
29 ACT (at the time of application. Since then, 30)
5 AP classes by graduation.
ECs: a bunch of different, interesting stuff
Essay: I liked it
Recs: Probably generic</p>

<p>Congrats everyone!</p>

<p>Unoriginal, congrats! did you see your decision online or in the mail?</p>

<p>is it under the admissions tab on your MyUM? all it says is “application materials forwarded to the review cmte blah, blah, blah” - or does it pop up as soon as you open it?</p>

<p>Its on the page as soon as you open UM and when it goes away you have the option to “read admissions decision” or “put deposit” or something like that</p>

<p>is it possible that the people who don’t have an admission decision on their myUM are deferred? my page still has nothing and I’m hoping that they just aren’t able to post them all at once, but I’m really worried.</p>

<p>does anyone know when the next “batch” of online decisions will be posted?</p>

<p>IM IN!!! i just saw it on myUM.</p>

SATS: 1380/1600;2080/2400.
SAT Subject Tests: 720 math I, 740 math II, 670 US history
GPA: 4.07j/5.00 weighted
senior schedule: ap english, ap spanish, ap calc ab, honors physics
ton of EC’s
White female from CT</p>

<p>congrats everyone :slight_smile: :)</p>