The Official UMiami Class of 2014 Early Action Admissions Decisions Thread

<p>STILL nothing today… as of this point, I’m really starting not to care anymore…</p>

<p>I have not gotten a decision yet either, and when i called the admissions office they gave me all this stuff about how a decision had not been made about my application yet so i was freaking out and talked to my guidance counselor, who spoke directly to an admissions counselor. The man she talked to said that all decisions were made and that they are in the process of being released, the way the process decisions is that the letters are generated and sent out, and after they are sent out they are automatically out into the MyUM system. I too am freaking out but they said decisions will be out shortly if you have not gotten it yet</p>

<p>Nothing here in Coral Gables address either. Admission told us it could be 2 more weeks. No use complaining here - will address it with admissions after it is all over.</p>

<p>2 MORE WEEKS!?! That would mean that it would be nearly a month spread between when they started releasing decisions and when some people finally get their decisions, and that is just NOT right! It’s almost cruel and rude to do release decisions like that!</p>

<p>No decision here yet either - west coast of Florida. I’m to the point where I’m beyond frustrated that I no longer care.</p>

<p>I checked myUM today and I got accepted, but I can’t find a link to any scholarship offers bleh.</p>

<p>i called today after not hearing anything from myUM or in my mail. the guy who i spoke to was rather rude, and told me that february 1st is a “tentative” date, and letters could come before and after that. im so frusterated!!! even if they cant mail them out, atleast put it online! im so nervous now because i know so many people that have already found out. i wish i was one of them :(</p>

<p>update: i found out on MyUM Friday of my acceptance and got my letter today… to my utmost surprise there was a beautiful Dickinson Scholarship (20k a year). I am more than happy and my chance of attending any other school is diminishing quickly. I posted my stats earlier in this thread but I know many of us are too lazy to click back so I’ll do it again:</p>

<p>GPA: UW, 3.48 (from Junior year, STRONG upward trend), W 4.3+
Rank: 32/480ish
SAT: 630 CR, 600 Math, 600 Writing
Ethnicity: African-American
ECs: Good
Recs/Essay: Great!</p>

<p>accepted on my UM on friday no package yet though.
actually pretty suprised I got (1240/1300 and 29 ACT)
Still debating if I want to attend or not.</p>

<p>when i called the rude admissions lady said either today or tommorow, even though they said today. this is making me dislike miami</p>

<p>If anyone’s wondering, I just walked by the admissions office when coming back from class and there’s no one there, so I doubt anything else is coming out tonight.</p>

<p>And seriously, you guys are so whiny, lol! But I was doing the same thing last year, I suppose. U Miami is an awesome school… don’t base your choice of University off of the quality of their admissions department.</p>

<p>I just received my package in the mail today, i live in Chicago. Got the Dean’s Scholarship $16,000.</p>

<p>still NOTHING on myUM. i applied the first week of october :(</p>

<p>I hope everybody gets their decision soon!
Hang in there :)</p>

<p>Son got myum message last Friday but nothing in mail today. Tomorrow hopefully?</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Checked my UM Saturday to see that I was accepted. No scholarship info was available. Came home to find my letter along with the Dickinson Scholarship (20g per year). Very excited not sure if i will be attending or not waiting on many more schools</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7 unweighed, 3.9 weighed
School: small Catholic school in New Jersey
SATs: 600 CR, 710 M, 670 WR (1310/1980)
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
ECs: endless amounts
Essay: decent
Recs: flawless</p>

<p>Accepted; no scholarship. Really disappointing! </p>

<p>GPA: 4.98 weighted, 3.58 unweighted
School: public school in miami
rank: top 3%
SATs: honestly don’t remember; not too low
Ethnicity: hispanic
Gender: female
ECs: A LOT. President/Vice President of many clubs
Essay: pretty good
Recs: great</p>

<p>its even more disappointing to know a classmate of mine got a scholarship when all her stats are below mine. Does anyone know if they will continue mailing scholarships?</p>

<p>called admissions this morning and asked about EA decisions being online and the lady that answered said as they are mailed out, the decisions are put online. I didn’t want to be annoying so that was all I asked. SO, sounds like they are still mailing decisions…</p>

Oh well…:)</ugh></p>

<p>update. My D just got the mail - deferred and will be put into regular decision on or by 4/15.
No worries… it was prob a reach school for her anyway…</p>

<p>good luck to the rest of you !!</p>

<p>Just wondering - was her decision also put online? It seems like admissions has given a lot of conflicting information.</p>