The Official UMiami Class of 2014 Regular Decision Admissions Thread

<p>ACCEPTED :)</p>

<p>major: undeclared
from: international
SAT: 1790
GPA: 3.4</p>


<p>Major: Pre-med
UW GPA:3.78
W GPA:4.60
Rank: 12th Percentile
AP courses:8
Honor Courses:17-20 Can’t really remember</p>

<p>EC, Awards, and activities:
-Club and Rec Soccer (all four years)—Striker, Attacking Midfielder, Right Back
-Technology Student Association -> 3rd place Tech Bowl Regionals (10th grade), 1st place Tech Bowl Regionals, 2nd place Tech Bowl State, 1st place Medical Technology State (Junior Year)
-Beta Club (more than 400 volunteer hours)
-Cultural Society (Country Representative)
-Invisible Children (fight against enslavement of children into the military in Africa)
-Science National Honor Society
-Senior Executive Board
-Student Technology Leadership Program
-AP Scholar</p>

<p>Essays: Very Good
Teacher/ Counselor Recommendations: Never saw them, but probably good.</p>

<p>State or Country: Lexington, KY
School Type: Competitive Public
Ethnicity: Asian (Indian)
Gender: Male</p>

<p>got my letter saying im waitlisted today…it says that im accepted for spring 2011 though! did anyone else get this offer as well?</p>


Hispanic (CUBAN)
From Virginia (Fairfax County- one of the largest and most competitive school districts in the country)
3.9 GPA
2210 SAT
First Language: English
SAT II Scores: Spanish with Listening (800), Literature (730), US History (750)
I will graduate with 10 AP Exams (So far, I’ve taken 4 exams. I’ve gotten three "5"s and one “4”)
My school does not rank.</p>


<p>ModelUN - I am an officer in the club and have won three awards, one of which was a “Best Delegation” award in a crisis committee at an Ivy League Conference. This is the highest level of award possible. I won a “Verbal Commendation” at The University of Virginia MUN 2007 and an “Honorable Mention” at Boston University MUN 2009.</p>

<p>DECA - I am Vice President of Competitive Events. Some of the awards I’ve won in the DECA circuit are: 1st place at the District Competition in an Individual Role play 2008, Top 10 at the State competition in a written event 2009, Top 15 at the International competition in a written event 2009, 1st place in an Individual Role play 2009.</p>

<p>National Honor Society - I’ve completed more than 40 hours of community service for NHS in a year and a half.</p>

<p>KEY Club - I’ve completed over 50 hours of community service for KEY Club in 3 years.</p>

<p>American Red Cross Club - I’ve been on the Finance Committee and on the Blood Drive Organization Committee.</p>

<p>Debate Team </p>

<p>Student Ambassadors - I am on the board of officers for this club</p>

<p>Piano - I have played the piano since I was 7 and have won the Student of the Year award at my conservatory 5 years in a row. I generally play more than 12 hours a week.</p>

<p>Employment (Paid and Unpaid)
I’ve had a job at a store in the mall since junior year. I work about 20 hours a week.</p>

<p>I’ve been a volunteer in the publications department of Pan American Health Organization (a branch of the WHO) in Washington DC for the past 3 summers.</p>


<p>Your intended major I forgot.
Where you are from Atlanta
SAT/ACT scores 26
GPA 3.2 UW 3.5ish W
Major ECs Caretaker, etc. etc.
If any scholarship received None.</p>

<p>I think my essay helped. I’m proud I got waitlisted!</p>

<p>Rejected!! But at least my sister got in</p>

<p>I got a Dickenson Scholarship, but even with that, UM is crazy if it thinks I’m going to pak 30k out of pocket for them. Their finiancial aid is really sub par. One of you waitlisters can have my spot because I’m officially turning down the offer.</p>

<p>@ovechkinlyubov8 Thank you! please give the spot to me :)</p>


<p>Your intended major: Psychology
Where you are from: Maryland
Gender/Ethnicity: Female/African American
SAT/ACT scores: 2010 SAT
GPA: 3.27 UW, 3.94W
Major ECs: African Dance Team, National Achievement Scholarship, AP Scholar, have a job
If any scholarship received: don’t know yet. just saw my decision online and waiting for acceptance letter in the mail</p>

<p>Your intended major: Pre-Med track
Where you are from: South Bay, Florida
SAT/ACT scores: 29
GPA: 3.88 unweighed; 4.84 weighed
Major ECs: Vice-Pres of National Honor Society; Vice Pres of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Sociery; President of Student Government; President of Blood Drive Committee; Captain of History and Culture Brain bowl team; co-captain of bowling team and…many, many more, trust me.
If any scholarship received: Dickinson Scholarship $20,000 per year</p>

Dickinson scholarship per the post above mine is $20000/year and you are complaining?</p>

<p>I understand that not everyone can afford or wants to pay the remaining tuition ($15K) plus room and board, but personally, I think UM is extremely generous with its merit scholarships.</p>

<p>My very bright son with similar stats of those getting the Dickinson scholarship was awarded $7000/year at Syracuse and RIT and this was after an interview where thye told my husband how wonderful my son was and how the schools will be fighting for him. Both said to expect lots of $$$$. Their pricetags are similar to UM (though this son of mine did not apply here, as my older son had). I was disappointed with those schools, but I think Miami does a great job to make the school more affordable to students with high stats. Kudos to Miami who does make it affordable for students to attend the U!!!</p>


<p>transfer from emerson college
major: undeclared
from:New Jersey
high school gpa: 3.17
college gpa: 3.7
act: 23
sat: 1710</p>

<p>im so excited!!</p>

<p>I was accepted with a 22,000 a year merit scholarship. Of course my EFC from FAFSA is very very low, but I think their financial aid was wonderful. Their offer made the school one of the tops on my list. I got their offer the same day as the University of Central Florida (a major backup), and it turned out cheaper overall for me to go to UM. So make sure you check into your financial aid before you rule out the option of going there. : )</p>

<p>@crazed : I agree with you concerning the merit scholarships. UM is very good about the merit scholarships. My only issue is with the financial aid program. Personally, my financial aid looked like this: Dickenson Scholarship + 35K worth of loans. No work study or anything. My family is generally well off, but 35K a year is steeper than we’re willing to pay. Maybe for someone with a lower EFC from the FAFSA financial aid looks better, but for someone who is comfortabley middle class, the financial aid just didn’t cut it.</p>

Not that it matters since you did the math, but posters here report Dickinson is $20K per year. Tuition, room and board (taken from the Miami website) is $46K, leaving you with $26K. No small amount, but decent for private school education/cost, and lower than many out of state publics.</p>

<p>Work study- May have changed since my years in college, but it used to be the work study gave you a maximum amount of money you could earn. Go above it and you were unemployed. Without work study, you can work on campus (or off campus of course) and earn as much as you want, need, or feel comfortable with the hours.</p>

<p>Sorry the numbers didn’t add up for you. College costs are way out of line, in my opinion. Without these scholarships and grants (for lower income) I don’t know how most people do it (or want to!!!)</p>

<p>Good luck. I hope you find a good school and good fit.</p>

<p>I just wanted to corroborate what crazed has said… I have the $16k scholarship plus ~$4,000 in outside scholarships. I end up paying around $10,000 a semester, totaling $20,000 a year. This includes housing, food, tuition, etc. If you’re a Florida resident, you should be able to get an additional ~$5,000 from in state scholarships (which I am unable to get…), it should cost $15,000 - less than a Florida public institution (which are near $18,000 when living on campus).</p>

<p>It’s truly a great value, as far as I’m concerned.</p>

<p>heeey,…i applied to university of miami as well and in myUM profile i have no letter…is that normal?no communication from them at worried.</p>

<p>hey please help me here,i have not received any communication from the university yet i if u kan.</p>

<p>In my UM, on the top and middle of the page, under admissions, click on: view your admisssions status, and you should have your letter.</p>

<p>Got accepted in early March
Your intended major: Undecided Business
Where you are from: New Jersey
SAT/ACT scores: 1380/1600
GPA: 3.2 unweighed; 3.6 weighed
Major ECs: Varsity Cross Country, Varsity Lacrosse</p>