<p>Hi the 5th of June is going to be my second time taking the SAT 1 and it's also going to be my second time cramming -<em>-. The other time I crammed 1 day and I got 1810 -</em>-. </p>
<p>A week away and I'm aiming for 2200...it's nearly impossible isn't it? I read my collegeboard score sheet for my previous test and I found out that if I left more questions blanked my scores would be around 2000 ~. Is it possible!!! </p>
<p>Can anyone tell me key bits to read in the Barron's SAT prep book, it doesn't matter if it's a lot; I can read pretty fast :D.</p>
<p>Take Blue book practice sections every day between now and then; find the thread on the “12 Essay in 10 Days”</p>
<p>lol, I’m with you. DH is coming in the mail and I’ll have like three days to focus on that.</p>
<p>Good news is I just took a math practice test from the BB and got a 690, and 3 of my wrong answers were, stupid, stupid, stupid errors, so if I would have cut down on those, I would have gotten a 730, so if I keep slaving away at it, I think I could do very well in Math.</p>
Well, it doesn’t work well with SAT1 (works great with the sat subject tests) but hey, I am in the sam boat lol. Current goal: f**k school stuff and do 30 practice tests(minus math and essay sections) in 5 days.
good luck everyone</p>