The one class/term thing???

<p>Okay so tell me, I get why this is an inovative and creative way to learn, and I believe that it could be quite enjoyable even. However, isn't it somewhat limiting to things like transfering if you need to do that???</p>

<p>Anyone with experience in this type of schedule or best yet with attending CC under this system care to share???</p>

<p>Interested too. I know we said we would consider "Winter Start", so appareently is a "semester break" too. Site says Four 3.5 week blocks per semester and a "half-block" mini offering in January.</p>

<p>My S is going to be a freshman at CC, Class of 2011. He has several friends who are soph's this year at CC. They find the "blocks" work very well. Also, the freshman year the first two blocks are geared to help the student adjust to the format.</p>

<p>There is a block break at the end of each block. I think it is 4-5 days. </p>

<p>I have been told that the actually time on the subject matter is the same as if you were taking a series of "3 hr courses." The number of blocks completed in a full year is the same as the number of 3 hour courses that a regular system would require. </p>

<p>I was told that one friend successfully applied to transfer to Stanford, so I guess it isn't fatal to transferring. FYI-- the student changed her mind and stayed at CC.</p>

<p>I'll be a freshman in the fall and ever since I heard about CC in my sophomore year it was the only school I wanted to consider (although my parents had me make some other very distant choices behind CC). I actually went to CC last summer to take a block class to see if it would be all I thought it would and I loved it! It gave me the time I needed to really get into a class and I loved having no other distractions. As a result I applied early and got in. If your kids are considering the school I'd advise them to try a summer block's only three weeks and counts toward credit when you get in. </p>

<p>Classes transfer just like they would at any school. Before you go home for Christmas you will have completed four classes jsut like any other school. I spoke to a few kids on one of my many visits who actually transferred "into" CC just because of the block plan. Go on their website and watch the ten minute video on the home page..there you will hear students talking about their enthusiasm for this type of learning. </p>

<p>Good luck to you. By the way it's good to see CC getting some conversation going on this board.</p>

<p>A couple of other things....the 1/2 block in January is optional throughout the four years and every student gets the opportunity to take a summer class for free during the four years.</p>

<p>Thanks fb will try to do a summer block if we get a call. Was wanting to do something for her somewhere anyway. </p>

<p>But dont most college kids take 5 courses a semester (15 hrs, give or take?)</p>

<p>On the Colorado College website, it reads:</p>

<p>"Four semester hours or six quarter hours at other institutions are equivalent to one Colorado College unit."</p>

<p>This means that four classes at four hours each would be the equivalent to 16 hours per semester, about the same as the 15 hours you were saying.</p>

<p>Interesting - thanks. Will compare some degree plans and see if the # courses for BS works out the same or is less. Some do 1 credit per class, others still use hours I guess.</p>