The One(s) that Got Away--unchosen colleges that we still love

We didn’t get a lot of visits in, but I really wanted S22 to visit Pitt. I thought it sounded like a great place and had some good programs. And I still feel a bit bad that he gave up Rose-Hulman. I know it would have been a good fit and he’d do well there. The money just wasn’t there. But he’s having a great time and doesn’t regret where he is, so all is good.


We too missed Pitt (no merit, too cold). I only read wondeful things about it from everyone on this board.

Took my soon to RHIT - and it was tiny!! Really tiny and out of town. They were doing Operation Catapult though (the summer camp) and kids there liked the program a lot. We visited on the way to Purdue (he loved) and UIUC (he didn’t love).

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OMG so many Davidson regrets and that’s mine too! Both S19 and D21 got in. S19 was between Davidson and Bowdoin in the end. We had flights booked to attend admitted student days for both but he went to Bowdoin’s first and made me cancel the Davidson trip. Fell in love and didn’t look back. D21 went to visit during Covid and it was just so quiet. She spent a lot of time in their remote admitted student day events but just wasn’t feeling the vibe. Thought the kids too serious. Chose Colgate in the end. I just wanted one warmer weather school!


Student, not a parent, but my “one that got away” was my safety school, Millersville University (PA public school). I had lots of great experiences when I visited there. I even wound up preferring it over schools with an acceptance rate of less than 20%- so much so that I wound up dropping them from the list. Ultimately, I wound up applying to Millersville and the only other school I liked better, and the other school’s aid package brought the price into a range where it was comparable with Millersville, so it really was just a fit question at that point.


University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Iowa State University


Son went to Kansas State and loves it. Glad he made the decision but we still love Colorado State University. It was a strong second place.

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For my D20 it was Depauw and Butler. I just feel like she would have fit in so much better at these schools than the one she ultimately chose.

For my S22 it was Univ of Dayton. Just loved the campus and the whole vibe of the place. Second one for me was Miami Ohio, campus was gorgeous and I loved the whole college town feel. But S ended up at Univ of Denver where he is having the time of his life so I guess he knew better than I did what he wanted. For my husband, the one that got away for my son was Clemson. Husband was just really looking forward to those tailgates and game days.

I guess I really like schools in Ohio, even though we live nowhere near there and neither of my kids chose an Ohio school! Well I still have one more to go.


Cross off the entire map but Ohio. Lots of schools to choose from !!!

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I feel like I answered a similar question in another thread, but here goes. I think there are 2 for my ds2020 and to be honest he would totally disagree, as he could not be happier with how things ended up. The two are UMD and College of Charleston. He got into UMD as a January ‘21 admit with their Freshman Connection program for the fall of 2020. It had been his first choice for a while, but he couldn’t get his head around the lack of a full-throated fall admit and wouldn’t consider it. In retrospect, Covid came along and it would probably have been ideal. Not to mention that he’s a changed his major to Poli sci so DC would have been amazing…

He got honors and a nice merit package from College of Charleston, but once we were in lockdown that spring he wasn’t able to visit and wouldn’t risk committing to someplace he’d never been, so he walked away. After visiting Charleston last summer and walking around campus and the surrounding area, I know he would have loved it. I know I would have loved visiting :grimacing:.

What ended up happening is that he went to UMass Amherst, was fully remote for freshman year (except for a 5 week stint in the fall in the dorms with no RAs and intense restrictions), was miserable and decided to throw some transfer apps out there, and he ultimately landed at UVM. He adores his school and Burlington and wouldn’t change a thing, but I can’t help but wonder. Totally my issue, not his—which we couldn’t be happier about!


Did you ever get a chance to check out Ohio University?

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A very wise post indeed!

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No we didn’t see Ohio Univ. It was too big for both of my kids.

UWash Seattle for my youngest. He really fell in love with the city and the campus. He got into his ED school Northwestern and is very excited but I know still had some pangs withdrawing from what was meant to be a safety…


It was UVA for our son though he preferred a smaller school experience at the time. He loved the student energy, rich history and campus at UVA. Everyone he met seemed thrilled to be there, and he got a kick out of students chanting “Wahoowa” at sporting events. He got in early to Davidson so had to withdraw his application. After a decidedly mixed first year experience at Davidson during the midst of covid, he considered transferring to UVA. However, he realized after spending a week in Charlottesville that students there were also facing similar issues that year. Ultimately, he decided to stay put and is now happy he did.


For my D22 it was Tulane too. The whole family fell inlove with it. She got a great merit scholarship too. However, her major (Exercise Science) was in their school of professional advancement - not part of one of their 5 undergrad schools. She chose to go to a school with a string Exercise Science program and where she could do a 6yr direct entry Physical Therapy program- Saint Louis University. Once she made the decision she has not looked back and couldn’t be happier. My D24 fell inlove with Tulane too so we are all rooting for her to get the chance to go there. I too had a lot of fun cheering on the football team this year. I am still on some email distribution for parents with kids at Tulane and I am keeping fingers crossed that I won’t have to unsubscribe come Fall 24. Little sister was thrilled when her sister turned down Tulane as she does not want to go where her big sister is going. She has had enough of teachers telling her how great big sister is and wants her own path.


WashU is probably the main heartstring-tug one that got away for us, from D23 ‘s acceptances. Dad would say Northwestern. (Duke was very hard to turn down but D21 is there so it didn’t “get away”—we visit a lot)

WashU is just an amazingly beautiful school with fantastic Engineering AND arts AND they were so welcoming and kind. The dorm area is like a perfect little village. It is a special place and she was absolutely delighted to receive an acceptance!

For DH, Nortwestern with the big sports and the location near the water, plus smaller Evanston setting not in actual Chicago, was ideal and memorable to him.


Ok, now that May 1st is past and deposits have been paid, what are “The One(s) that Got Away” for all of you in the Class of '23?


Hope College


CWRU - this mama is having a hard time letting go (missing this frequent emails too)


Did u go TCNJ or Maine ?