The Only College Fencing Recruiting Thread You Need to Read

Hi @Happylife4

This will directly affect my 2021 who was invited to a couple more D1 official visits. So this hinders some 2021’s in college decision making by losing opportunities to visit the campuses, fencing programs and the current fencers. The overall vibe and connection to the school are important factors in choosing the “right fit”.

As for the 2022’s, most official visits start in the fall of junior year. This lack of direct engagement will hurt the coach getting to know the prospective athlete and vice versa. It’s not just the coach-athlete connection that will suffer, as most visits also entail attending actual college classes, hanging out and dining with current fencers and even possible overnight dorm stays.

Seems like we will need to rely more on Zoom calls and virtual visits for now.

Hope this helps.

@smileymomma Thank you a lot for your explanations. Good luck with your 2021!

“The Last Stretch”: Recruitment update for our D21

After starting the formal process early this year (Feb/ Mar) when we emailed to a combination of Div 1 and 3 schools hoping to get noticed by Coaches, we have now come to the end of the musical chair where our D has formally accepted a written offer and committed to fence for a Div 1 school (non-Ivy) that matches 3 of our main criteria:

(1) Academic rigor of her intended Major (note not the overall school - rankings, etc.);
(2) an equal balance or focus on the Fencing program;
(3) affordability considerations

The school we have chosen is part of our initial Top 3 choice and broadly meets our above criteria. We are very happy with how the Coach handled the whole process. He was not afraid to tackle difficult questions (e.g. do you think your program will get cut like Stanford or Brown?), very transparent (“I have 2 slots for your D’s weapon and I am giving one to her”) and explained things to us very thoroughly including the Admissions process (“she passed the pre-read and deemed competitive to be admitted to her intended major”). Coach got my D in contact with the Department she was interested in enabling our D to be a lot more informed. In the end, this open communication made our family much more comfortable that he would do a good job not only with fencing but with overseeing our D in general.

We were in contact with our top choice until the last minute we accepted this offer. In the end, that coach said his slots were cut to due to the crisis (true or not we take it FWIW) and he said he could have offered D a slot if it was a normal year. Any parents out there with similar experience?

Obviously, it’s still not over until we have that Final acceptance letter from Admissions - some black swan event can still happen which we are also preparing. But given all the uncertainty we decided to lock in at this stage given there are probably a few slots left (Ivies seems to have locked in theirs way earlier).

Given the difficulty of the current environment due to the pandemic and extreme competitiveness of the recruitment process we still feel quite satisfied that we were able to navigate this whole journey and knowing we are able to achieve our objectives Fencing-wise with a couple of formal Div 1/ 3 offers, walk on offer from an Ivy league, well over 50% response rate from initial email (some we did not pursue due to various reasons - school not an academic fit, too expensive, etc.). Overall, it was still a fairly smooth, textbook perfect process for us except maybe a slight delay or variation in some of the steps like the pre-read or obviously no Onsite.

I found this CC Fencing thread over 2 years ago when my D was still piling up her fencing resume. I have read every single page of this thread from page 1 until now (page 70+)! Thank you to all those who contributed their knowledge, time, experiences and shared this with other parents/ fencers. Special mention to @BrooklynRye whom I constantly bombarded with questions in this whole process but tirelessly responded to every single one of them and to other parents whom I’ve DM’d! It is our turn to pay forward whomever wants to learn from what we went through. I will update the thread once all are formally settled and all ready to start for our D21 in the Fall of 2021 (how this will turnout is anybody’s guess) - we can only wish and hope for things to move on to the new normal.

Congrats to your D21 @gtsamd ! I echo many of your sentiments. The best of luck to your daughter. She has a lot to look forward to :slight_smile:

Congrats @gtsamd !
Do you mind sharing where your D is on the ranking list? No need to be precise but so I can put in perspective.
Also, do you think you may have started a little late (Spring of Junior year)?

@MDHopefulDad Unfortunately my D21 is not one of those lucky ones being chased by Coaches early so we had to be more proactive and work doubly hard to be noticed. We also wanted to complete a few more tournaments then to add to her fencing resume. Plus we were really unfamiliar with the whole process, i.e. we did not realize it was late. We were also not targeting the Ivies (HYPC) as we knew our D would not make the cut (in our view this should be at least top 16 or max 32).

Just to add:

Having said that we are not targeting the top Ivies, we still threw in a bunch of emails to a few of them - because who knows? One flat out said our D is not on his target list (ouch, but at least we tried, he responded and we moved on). Then another Ivy coach said he was finished with his 2021 recruitment and offered to contact him for a walk on if we could get in on our own - this probably indicates that for the top fencing programs they do start and close out the top recruits waaayyy earlier as already mentioned by other parents here on the board.

For schools outside of the top programs, we still managed to go through the whole process with a number of schools even if we started in Feb/ Mar of this year.

Congratulations @gtsamd ! And thank you for taking the time to share your experiences - that is the best way to “pay it forward.”
Here’s hoping there is a real fencing season next year!

@gtsamd Thanks again for sharing your experience with this community. I am glad things worked out for your D. It’s encouraging for most of us who do not have the luck of being chased by the coaches.

@SpaceVoyager Thank you. Yes, hoping the kids can start competing again in 2021!

@MDHopefulDad No problem. Yes, there is hope for our kids as long as we are not too fixated on a handful of schools especially the top Ivy league programs (HYPC-type) as they usually chase the same group of fencers.

Even Div 3 has a few “top name-brand” schools and top LACs. I believe there is still active recruitment around based on feedback i got (e.g., those wanting to focus on academics but still want to fence on the side, Div 3 schools would be a good match). You just need to cast a wider net to find a perfect fit for your own child and everything will get settled eventually - this is what i learned from this thread. Good luck!

@MDHopefulDad - To put emphasis on @gtsamd 's last post, we do not know of any fencer who wanted to continue to fence in college who failed to find a school at which to do so. Clearly, only a handful will matriculate at top DV1 fencing programs. Another grouping will arrive at the more competitive DV3 programs. However, there are a slew of less competitive (lesser known) programs, both within the NCAA orbit, as well as club organizations, that provide a wealth of fencing opportunities. The USACFC is a great organization. Check out the teams which were scheduled to compete at the Collegiate Clubs National Champion in 2020 - The list of top athletic and elite academic institutions is pretty impressive. There is a world of college fencing to explore, beyond the more publicized recruiting most often discussed on this thread. Explore!

@BrooklynRye its indeed a very impressive list! While we all hope fencing help our kids get into the top colleges I’d hate to take that as the only reason. My kid has tried many other sports but fencing is the one really sticked. I am glad he found his “thing”.

Lawrence University has hired a new fencing coach: Eric Momberg, who was formerly an assistant coach with Northwestern’s program. After chatting with one of the LU fencers, it sounds like they already had a positive image of Coach Momberg (LU sees NU multiple times each season) and are excited to have him take over the team.

Completely remote. They didn’t want anyone on campus

@Fuzebox87 that is rough! Are they doing anything with the team to train via Zoom? Is the plan for them to be back on campus in January or is the entire year remote?

Does anyone know at what point you should ask for a pre-read for college recruiting? I have both heard that you can’t get one until fall of senior year AND that you should ask for an informal review (a pre-pre-read?) before that time if your have settled on a school, to get some assurance that everything will go smoothly. Any advice?

Regarding the comment about cuts in slots, we have a junior who is talking to several programs. Multiple coaches said that they lost slots equal to the number of students who took a gap year, to balance things out.

It was hidden under the international events announcement, but USAF is now saying that the events schedule will be “published in October.”