<p>The Gospel according to CF</p>
<p><em>DRab's stamp of approval</em></p>
<p>They're EVERYWHERE!</p>
<p>Berkeley Squirrel won't add me on facebook. :(</p>
<p>There is in fact some kind of squirrel bagging club on campus.
Thanks to our wonderfully incompotent student government, they have full funding to waste the taxpayer and student's money.</p>
<p>Another case of the waste in the University of California system.</p>
<p>How come on every board you try and find a reason to bad mouth berkeley</p>
<p>Did you know that Berkeley loses money even on OOS students? The tuition paid by an OOS undergraduate student doesn't cover everything Berkeley provides in terms of its services, and the university has to subdize the rest.</p>
<p>Thanks to our wonderfully incompotent admissions process, Berkeley lost money by having Shiboing Boing attend there for four years.</p>
<p>Another case of the waste in the University of California system.</p>
<p>You guys do know that the reason there's so many squirrels on campus is because the psych department (and friends) feeds them special food for experimental purposes, right?</p>
<p>They give Michigan only a 4 Squirrel ranking. That's a load of BS. Squirrels are treated better than students in Ann Arbor...but don't quote me on this. Michigan students revere our squirrels. Hell, we even have a squirrel club. In fact, we feed our squirrels so much, they look more like Wolverines (hence our team mascot) than squirrels. Ok, maybe not quite like wolverines, but at the very least like beavers!</p>
<p>They lose far, far money subsidizing in-state students. And believe me, they don't lose money on out-of-state students; especially when they are charging them 25k in tuition alone a year and ramp up the price every year by 20-30%. </p>
<p>If it loses money on out-of-state students it loses billions of dollars more on in-state students and should shut down its undergraduate program if its that wasteful.</p>
<p>I heard that even private schools lose money on their students despite their $30,000+ tuition. They get most of their money from donations.</p>
<p>Boing, If you don't like the out of state tuition, feel free to go back to your own state. Won't hurt Cal's feelings.</p>
<p>I'm sure it won't. Cal doesn't particularly care about the welfare or future of its students.</p>
<p>IF that's the case, then why are the L & S counselors so nice in spite of the fact that they have to handle 17,000 students?</p>
especially when they are charging them 25k in tuition alone a year and ramp up the price every year by 20-30%.
<p>What a misleading statement. You don't even attatch any dates, as if this has happened for the past 100+ years.</p>
Cal doesn't particularly care about the welfare or future of its students.
<p>Berkeley is one big bad angry uncaring mass filled with many uncaring individuals.</p>
<p>1) Out of state tuition has been rising dramatically faster than in-state tuition. This is a well known fact and easily googled. There is nothing misleading about it.</p>
<p>2) Please, it's even noted as a positive about Berkeley by pro-UCB'ers how little attention or counseling is given to students. "A real world experience." How utterly pathetic.</p>
Please, it's even noted as a positive about Berkeley by pro-UCB'ers how little attention or counseling is given to students.
<p>Could you elaborate?</p>
<p>I've only been here a year but I've visited five student counseling centers of large departments and have always been provided with the info I needed in a welcoming, prompt manner. </p>
<p>Perhaps you're criticizing the fact counseling advice doesn't just waltz onto your monitor?</p>
<p>You're right, it is a fact, but that fact isn't what you said before.</p>
<p>I am confused. I thought we were discussing squirrels!</p>
<p>Shiboing, you have only yourself to blame. You should have known how Cal would be when you decided to enroll. I'd say it is perfectly reasonable to assume that since you were completely ignorant of how Cal really is, you are also completely ignorant about how all universities really are. In short, you aren't really qualified to judge. I am willing to bet you will be miserable at whichever university you chose to transfer to.</p>
<p>You get out of cal what you put into. Im only a freshmen, but I've quickly realized that this university has a lot to offer, but you have to seek it out. All the counselors I have met have been very nice and helpful, but you must make the appointment and go talk to them.</p>