<p>Remember when people were calling Bush a Nazi and war criminal? Remember when people would burn effigies of him and claim that he purposely set up 9/11?</p>
<p>Well now people are calling Obama a communist dictator and non-citizen. Everything he does has a hidden agenda to it (apparently Obama's speech to schoolchildren will be full of subliminal messages)</p>
<p>For God's sake, are we really reduced to superlative criticism?</p>
<p>I think that’s just the way people in general are. We don’t want the blame to put upon ourselves, so we blame someone else for all of the problems and negative events that take place.(Which I believe is wrong:/)</p>
<p>I dunno, for a country with 2 Nazi presidents, the first of which did 9/11 and the second of which is a secret Muslim terrorist himself, we’re not doing too badly.</p>
<p>I am no Obama supporter, but FFS I have seen the pictures comparing him to Hitler! Have some god damn faith in the leader YOU elected. If we keep badgering our own leaders, what does that say about us… </p>
<p>You can NEVER EVER compare anyone to a despicable piece of crap like Hitler.</p>
<p>They aren’t smarter, if they were, they would be in office. This whole idea of letting an ‘average joe’ run a nation is ludicrous. The smartest people should be running things, and they are. Americans do not like control unless they have it, so they hate anybody who does.</p>
<p>“The smartest people should be running things, and they are.”</p>
<p>The smartest people tend to succeed in business rather than becoming civil servants. Granted there are certainly some smart leaders, although many of them are not.</p>
<p>^I think that is a valid point. So how do we get those people into civil servant roles? We’d have to pay them $6 million a year with a $10 million bonus. I don’t know if the taxpayers would go for that.</p>
<h1>1 professors dont get paid as much as those in the private sector, #2 if they were smart they would demand more money or they would be in the private sector.</h1>
<p>Professors are simply those who make be intelligent but couldn’t or cant cut it in private research or industry.</p>