The original “Average” Excellent student graduates today

Love it! Congrats to your D @Lindagaf

Congratulations, @Lindagaf !

What a fine ending to this chapter.

I hope this helps folks realize that at LACs, students get chances to try things and get support in a way that can really set them up well. With a kid who just graduated down the road, I was surprised at some of the ways he stretched and challenged himself and was delighted with the encouragement he got and how he grew through that.

And as someone who went through the WL drama with you 4 years ago, I also hope this illustrates that schools really mean it when they tell kids on the WL “you are qualified to be here” that it’s true! If you are admitted off a WL, don’t worry for a second that you won’t be able to cut it.

And last, a rough beginning is not 4 years of doom. Your D killed it on every front!

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Congratulations to everyone!

Congrats to her!

I love reading about the kids who end up thriving despite having some ups and downs. That is how life works, and hopefully getting those lessons she learned through the waitlist and rough first year will help her the next time life throws an obstacle in her way.

Congratulations @Lindagaf ! I have learned a lot from you over the years, and it is great to hear how things worked out for your daughter!

Congratulations and thanks for the update! I used your threads and many of your insights to help my D17 and S19 with their college searches and they were very helpful. So glad your daughter had a wonderful four years and so many great accomplishments.


Wow, can’t believe it’s been 4 years already! Where has the time gone?

Big congratulations to your D and wishing her good luck in what looks to be a fantastic future. As another proud mom of a Bates grad (‘15) I know everything she has gained from her time at Bates will serve her extremely well as she goes forward into this next chapter of her life.

@Lindagaf I remember your original posting very well as my daughter was also starting college at that time. I used to hang out here on CC all the time. I am very happy that things worked out so well for you. My daughter has also graduated from Rutgers and is off to grad school at a top research university.

Thanks so much for posting! It’s wonderful to hear good news right now. And more importantly, I think your original post and this post are excellent and inspirational on many fronts. Congrats!

Hi @Lindagaf . It’s been a long time since I’ve been on here so didn’t see your shoutout until now! What a long strange trip…

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Wow. What a journey. Congrats to her and thanks to you. Wonderful success story. Much needed today.

Late to this thread, but mine are Bates '13 and '14 and all the time I see the results of that experience. It’s not just “fit,” but a college that offers opportunity (academic and interactive) and says, “Here we are, use us, rise to what we’re offering you.” For me, that’s a different sort of engagement and empowerment.

We first saw that on a visit. I joked they handed us the keys (a long list of classes D1 could drop in on) and said, “Go for it.”

Could mine have achieved similar elsewhere, maybe at an easier college? Or an even tougher one? Sure. But different lessons.

@Lindagaf, congrats to her. I believe you’ll be equally delighted by the next 4 years.

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I’m very late to this thread but am so glad I saw it! Congratulations to your daughter @Lindagaf ! Your original thread is still one of my bookmarks, and I remember reading the thread about your daughter’s journey when my first D was just getting started in HS. It was the original starting place for me to begin our research. Thank you for posting this update!

Reading your post from your daughter’s graduation in May brought tears to my eyes, both for what she’s accomplished and for how quickly time flies by. I hope that she had a good summer and I wish her the best!

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