<p>"And I've probably left out some things since I'm mostly a math/science kid."</p>
<p>This may be the most unbalanced thread-starter I've viewed on CC apart from the Jian Li rants.</p>
<p>According to "you," that means my triple-admitted HYP + Berkeley daughter is an 87. </p>
<p>Clearly you are not "looking for" what Ivies are looking for.</p>
<p>Perhaps by the time I post this, you will have altered your "test," but I'm just going by the opening post...</p>
<p>You included absolutely no national recognitions except those in math & science. You included absolutely no performing arts international or national recognitions. You did not include the AMC. You did not include other aspects, content, locations of secondary level courses than AP's. You did not account for major accomplishments in several e.c.'s, when these do not even include sports.</p>
<p>You did not account for geographic diversity, economic diversity. (Big factors now.)</p>