The process from high school to CRNA

<p>Hello, I am a junior in high school, who has big plans on someday becoming a CRNA.
Can anyone tell me what the process is? From high school graduation and on..
I've been researching, but haven't gotten anywhere..... Thanks!</p>

<p>Do some paid or volunteer work in a health care setting.</p>

<p>Apply early (such as Sept.) to multiple (preferably direct entry) nursing schools.</p>

<p>Take the national RN exam and graduate with a BSN.</p>

<p>Work as a RN at least two to three years, preferably in a hospital. You might want to choose to work in a metropolitan area where there are some CRNA programs nearby so you don’t have to keeping moving between cities. </p>

<p>Apply for a number of graduate programs.</p>

<p>Graduate and pass the certification exam.</p>

<p>Another option: - Anesthesiologist Assistant They are licensed in 17 states and do essentially the same job with the same pay. They must be supervised by an MD whereas a CRNA does not. My daughter entered AA school directly after her undergrad and will finish in 2 yrs. Google - anesthesiologist assistant and look for schools - Emory, Case Western and two I know of. Good luck!</p>

<p>Im a junior. Im looking into becoming a CRNA, I just dont know the step to take.</p>

<p>Either getting my RN and taking 2 years off of school and just work or should i go back to school after i get my RN license and work at the same time tward my CRNA i also dont know what school to go to thats the best. Im going to Delta for my RN but thats a 2 year college so ill have to find another cheap college to finish</p>