<p>I just took USH (800 :)) and Lit (700) on the June test date. I'm uber thrilled w/ my USH score and pretty indifferent towards my Lit Score. Come October/November I will probably retake Lit if I feel I can improve significantly and will defiantly take another test. </p>
<p>But, which test should it be... it should probably be a sci or math test to balance out USH and Lit, right? Which science/math is easiest to self study for? My school doesn't offer APs or honors in science (capital L-A-M-E- I know) so all my sciences so far are regents level. My grades in sci have been great though, all 96+. I couldn't take math this year due to scheduling (again, say it with me, LAME) so I'm kinda out of the mathematics loop. However, next year I will be taking a college bio course and a precalc class, but I don't plan on gaining too much knowledge in the 1 month before the test. I was looking at practice bio questions on the CB website and found it surprisingly easy (only missed 2/~15 questions). Also, I have heard bio is an OK one to self study for- mostly memorization. Would this be a good choice?</p>
<p>Or the last option- I could wait until Dec. and take world hist (I'm confident I could could score 750+ w/ prep). But, this means applying to Georgetown RD not EA (not a huge deal- G'town isn't my top choice) and not knowing the score before I send it. Also, I'm afraid that USH-Lit-WH combo will make me look poorly rounded and more angular than a polyhedron. </p>
<p>Is bio the logical choice here? </p>