The Rice forum deserves a game, too!


<p>Jane Austen or Stephen King?</p>

<p>Jane Austen</p>

<p>TV or Internet?</p>


<p>Email or Texting?</p>

<p>Texting..only because m computer has too many pop-ups, so it gets annoying having to log in..</p>

<p>dance or sing</p>


<p>Clinton or Obama?</p>

<p>Obama. </p>

<p>ice cream or gelato?</p>

<p>ice cream!</p>

<p>a big city vacation or a tropical vacation?</p>

<p>a tropical vacation </p>

<p>white rice or fried rice</p>

<p>white rice</p>

<p>freedom fries or french fries?</p>

<p>french fries.</p>

<p>coffee or tea?</p>


<p>Math or English?</p>


<p>Soccer or Football (which name do you use)?</p>


<p>Goat cheese or cream cheese?</p>

<p>cream cheese </p>

<p>wendy's or burger king ??</p>

<p>Burger King.</p>

<p>Sunshine or moonlit?</p>

<p>(So hard!) Sunlight</p>

<p>Day Dream or (night) dream?</p>

<p>Day dream</p>

<p>White widow or Jack Frost?</p>

<p>Jack Frost
Tea or Coffea</p>


<p>lennon or mccartney?</p>

<p>mccartney (but ringo rocks my socks!)</p>

<p>s'mores or toasted marshmellows?</p>