The right choice?

<p>What is your major in clfdwlr? Are you in science? What have they told you about switching?</p>

<p>I am doing Natural Resources Engineering in Agriculture (blah!) and I want to switch to either Civil/Environmental or Ecological in Engineering. I am already in FYE with my current major though. All you have to do to complete the CODO is get a 2.7/2.8 GPA in 3 of the core FYE classes, the Chemistry class (which I am sure you will already be in), the English class, and the math. You also have to attend all the CODO meetings in the beginning of the Fall semester.</p>

<p>Ok so you get the chance to sit down with an advisor from another school and plan out the switch during the CODO meeting? Since I will be in the college of science, my advisor has told me that I will be taking the same classes as FYE but with the exceptions of i2i. Also what is i2i 1 and 2? I will be taking Chem 125 and 126, Calc 161 and 162, English, and Physics 172 with two other courses.</p>

<p>i2i maybe the actual FYE course. They have the one where they actually work in teams and such. I thought it was called ENG 195 or something like that so this is probably all wrong.</p>

<p>i2i is ideas to innovations, its a two part intro engineering course. also the most boring class in the history of the world.</p>

<p>lol, it seems to be interesting on the course descriptions though. But during CODO, do you talk with the advisor of engineering about the right ‘path’ or set of courses you need to take in order to transfer, in my case, from science to engineering?</p>

<p>hey~~ ChemE2014~ Im here~~ my major is Aerospace Engineering… purdue is pretty strong at this point~ lol~</p>

<p>haha- pppzzz: My question has not been answered though-So you get the chance to sit down with an advisor from another school and plan out the switch during the CODO meeting? Since I will be in the college of science, my advisor has told me that I will be taking the same classes as FYE but with the exceptions of i2i.</p>

<p>@chemE2014. did you look for rentals in w.lafayette yet? two bedrooms are 500-600usd for a month. i think it’s quite cheap. pm me.</p>


<p>The awkwardness is hilarious.</p>

<p>What do you mean???</p>

<p>Your response to Furkank’s completely random post made me laugh.</p>

<p>Oh, no its just that I finally got the answers about the CODO.</p>