<p>When I was filling my UC transfer application, I was required to check off some characteristics such as backgrounds, academic interest, career objectives. I have checked off some characteristics that apply to me. At that time, I didn't notice these are for restricted scholarship purpose.</p>
<p>However, I have noticed that the UC Application Submission Confirmation email stated Scholarships are need-based. I'm just wondering whether my transfer admission result will be affected by my checking off these characteristics for restricted scholarships? If this will indeed affect my admission decision, can I cancel selection of these characteristics and withdraw from application for restricted scholarships? </p>
<p>Anyone knows the effect on automatically applying for these scholarships? I know UC lacks money now and I have no intention to apply for any financial aid or scholarship....Please help me. Thank you very much.</p>
<p>You are fine. You could’ve checked off everything and your admission evaluation would still not be affected (although the scholarships people would be kind of annoyed). Checking off the items just mean your UC application will be made available for review to those evaluating students for the specified scholarships. The process is separate from the admissions evaluation.</p>
<p>will this hold true if i was an international undergraduate applicant?
as far as i know UCs have strict need-based international policies that they will reject any foreigner who requests for financial aid…
likewise, i filled up the scholarship area without knowing it was for scholarships…</p>
<p>First and foremost, UCs do not mix financial need and admission evaluation (a lot of the private colleges do, but that’s a different story). UCs accept the fact that some admitted students won’t be able to afford it and won’t enroll (a lot of OOS were accepted with zero financial aid last year). </p>
<p>With that said, remember that international students are not eligible for financial aid and UCs, for the most part, do not offer scholarships to international students. It’s not going to affect your admission evaluation, but don’t expect UCs to cough up any money.</p>