<p>k so i got a lot of c's and d's in high school despite a 2280 sat, went to community college, did actual work, and now i'm at ucla (the real intro will sound better)</p>
<p>k so first you need a motivation, your motivation is probably that you want to get laid, i knew this hot chick who got into harvard so my plan was to graduate early and go to harvard grad school and impress her by being all successful and stuff (i'm no longer on track to graduate early)</p>
<p>second you need to let yourself get overwhelmed, pack your schedule with as much as possible, the semester after i got motivated i took honors classes, did school newspaper, tutored, and took a full load of 5 regular classes. i ended up dropping all of that, that's not ideal, you want to end up sticking with some of it, but it's the feeling of being overwhelmed that will really help you</p>
<p>third, go to a psychiatrist and get diagnosed with something, add, bipolar, depression, insomnia, it doesn't really matter, just get a medication and take it until you realize that it isn't helping you and nothing is wrong with you mentally, it's just your will holding you back.</p>
<p>take summer classes so that you don't get lazy again in the fall, fall is death for underachievers, this isn't point four though</p>
<p>point four is that you should gradually build yourself up again, doing more and more things until you're doing as much as you were doing at that first point of being overwhelmed, but now you're not overwhelmed (i still haven't gotten here, i'm not in any clubs and don't have a job)</p>
<p>point five will only happen if the other ones work and you get into a good school, realize that your intelligence alone means jack at a place where everyone else is intelligent, and that you need hard work to stand out, then realize this carries over to the real world and...</p>
<p>bam, you're an achiever</p>