The Stanford Daily Summer High School Journalism Program

Is anyone familiar with this program? My daughter applied through her journalism class at school and got in but it looks like it’s all virtual this summer (not ideal for us) and I can’t really find any reviews about it. Would appreciate any insight thanks!

Did this program takeover for Stanford’s Newsroom by the Bay? That summer journalism program shut down last year. See link: Elevating youth voice through journalism education | Student journalists asking questions. For real. (

If so, my daughter participated in the NBTB online program during the Covid lockdown. She didn’t enjoy it, but that was more of a function of being tired of Zooming all day during the summer, after Zooming all day during the school year. Also, she didn’t make any real connections with the other “campers” because it was all virturtal. If it had been held in-person on the Stanford campus, as originally planned before Covid hit, I think she would have enjoyed it.

She also had signed up for the journalism class, but was bumped to the digital media class when Covid forced NBTB to scramble and rework everything from in-person to virtual. She wasn’t thrilled to be making podcasts. And, that’s what her group did for 2-4 weeks, sat in their rooms all day trying to interview people online and make podcasts.

Overall, for my daughter it wasn’t worth the money. But, again, that had more to do with the loneliness of spending her summer days Zooming during Covid. Your daughter may enjoy the virtual program just fine.
