the strong majors in Mcgill?

<p>hey!I'm an intl student considering to apply to Mcgill and Utoronto.Can anyone please tell me the strong majors in Mcgill and Utoronto?Can anyone help me compare the two schools??THX! :)</p>

<p>I would say Mcgill: Business, sciences
U of T: engineering, any of the humanities.</p>

<p>Apparently (from what I’ve researched) McGill has one of the best/most reputable linguistics programs in the world, especially in language acquisition specializations.</p>

<p>I’ve heard great things about some of the sciences, heard McGill Classics, philosophy, and some area studies/languages are amongst the best programs around (all of North America) (though I heard Toronto philosophy is also great).</p>

<p>Business is respected here, though the general consensus amongst arts and science students is that the program is easy, and the value of the program is only its name.</p>

<p>For math, I’ve heard that overall it’s decent, but for Algebra specifically, McGill is one of the best places you can go.</p>

<p>ivyleaguer, business? You’re clueless! lol
McGill’s business program is their worst. They’re best programs are in the health and life sciences. Natural sciences are pretty good and many of the social sciences. Their best individual departments and faculties are under Medicine or Psychology, Neuroscience, Linguistics… you could say these are really world-class. Almost all other programs (with the exception of business and political science, which are still academically good) are in top tier among Canadian universities.</p>

<p>haha yeah. DEFINITELY McGill sciences is its most reputable program. something so consider though is that it is known to be EXTREMELY demanding and rigorous so a lot of students (no matter how motivated and dedicated they are) struggle through it and to be honest, they hate it while they are doing it. However, being able to graduate from that program in the end is an extreme reward in itself.</p>

<p>As for as U of Toronto goes, philosophy and the humanities in general are definitely strong points on the liberal arts front, also with engineering as a major department that it’s known for, as ivyleaguer correctly identified.</p>

<p>So the two schools are basically polar opposite in their strong majors. Hopefully that should make your application decision somewhat easier.
What is it that you are interested in studying, dreamofc?</p>

<p>yeah. listen to roddyapp.
mcgill’s medical program is really famous. worldwide.</p>