<p>Basically, I've forgotten my elementary school math. I was wondering if anybody could help me.</p>
<p>Here's a table of sales of a company each year:</p>
<p>1999- $120,000
2000- $220,000
2001- $840,000
2002- $690,000
2003- $1,200,000
2004- $1,300,000
2005- $1,800,000</p>
<p>Question: Calculate the cumulative growth rate for the sales from 1999-2005.</p>
<p>Shouldn't you just look at percent growth between each year (99-00, 00-01) and average the annual growth rates together?</p>
<p>That's the way I thought about doing it before, but basically I wasn't sure if it was right.</p>
<p>Isn't it funny how you forget the simplest things?</p>
<p>so do I just average the growth rates between each year together to find the cumulative?</p>
<p>Since it's a cumlative growth rate, wouldn't it make sense if it's only 2005 and 1999?</p>