The T U B E S

<p>So has anyone gotten their tube yet? On the acceptance thread on MIT's website, a girl said she got hers today. She lives five miles from MIT, but still. THEY SHOULD BE COMING SOON!! (time to go crazy slfjldkfjsk)</p>

<p>post when you received yours.</p>

<p>I live about an hour or so away, so I’m hoping to get mine tomorrow.</p>

<p>please dont make me cry, I wanted those tubes SO BADLY</p>

<p>I wanna frame my letters so badly right now!!! And I wonder what the design for the poster will be!</p>

<p>the guestbook and admitted students portal is up on the MyMIT accounts now!</p>

<p>No tube yet, I’m praying for one later today (Ohio).</p>

<p>Just got mine! When you get your tube, does an Adcom usually write a small message on your official letter? Like for example on mine it says, “Dear Thomas, Love your enthusiasm! Congrats on 2013! -Maura” in blue pen on the bottom next to Stuart Schmill’s signature. The tube is quite awesome as usual…love the confetti :)</p>

<p>My tube came today too!! I’m from a suburb outside NY, so it seems like they are coming down the east coast!</p>

<p>No tube for me yet. I hope it comes tomorrow.</p>

<p>got it today! TUBULAR HAPPINESS! =D</p>

<p>No tube for me! I’m just two hours away by car…</p>

<p>Got mine in N. New Jersey today!</p>


<p>TUBE FOR ME!!! I’m in chicago.
I like the poster this year! Framing it asap</p>

<p>got mine today too!</p>

<p>No tube yet, I hope it comes tomorrow…</p>

<p>Does MIT mail tubes for RD as well, or is it an EA-only thing? <em>just curious</em></p>

<p>Anyway I live all the way in the Southwest so I don’t expect mine for a while. Grr, I want it!</p>

<p>Just for EA. There’s too much stuff to send RD to fit in a tube.</p>

<p>The poster is pretty cute. I think I might make my tube into a christmas tree, hmmm.</p>

<p>any1 in CA??? does it come by regular mail? if it doesn’t fit in your mailbox, what does the mailman do?</p>