The Truth About UCSD-Revelle

<p>you stay in the dorms and if you apply for the last orientation, you move in early.</p>

<p>How hard is it to switch out? I just got admitted into ucsd fall 09 into revelle and it’s not looking good. I dont want to go there!</p>

<p>I got into Revelle, too. I really, really do not want to go there, and I am going to have to end up switching my major just to get out of UCSD in two years (and that’s with summer courses). Gaaaahhh. =(</p>

<p>hey everyone, if you enjoyed reading my posts from before on here, i am launching a blog that will have my experiences and updated perspectives of UCSD…i posted these entries on college confidential 4-5 years ago, so check out my blog if you would like to see what has changed since then…you can find my blog at:</p>

<p>[bboyvortex’s</a> UCSD views](<a href=“’s”></p>

<p>feel free to leave comments on here or on my blog for specific questions or topics that you would like me to blog about…i’ll be trying to update it frequently, so there’s enough new material for everyone to read =)</p>

<p>very good blog. can you write something about sungod. I would like to know what goes on</p>

<p>So heres the deal. Everything you’ve heard about Revelle is true. Plaza’s Food is straight sewage, my stomach hurts most times after eating there…I live in the Fleet Housing, which is infested with bugs, the water DOES NOT get hot, the carpet is disgusting, the heater doesn’t work, the rooms are ridiculously cramped…shall I go on?</p>

<p>Compared to the other colleges, Revelle has the ugliest girls, hands down. However, there are still a few babes now and again. Although most of them are in sororities, i.e you need to be a fratty ****** to score. (Sidenote: if you want to have any shred of a social life, rush, its the only way)</p>

<p>Revelle is far from everything, all the parties happen in Muir, ERC, Marshall, or I-House (near marshall), which is like a 20 min walk away. Revelle is a graveyard, nobody talks to each other, nobody looks at each other. People sit in their rooms and study. If you’re a huge dork you might find a solid friend base in Revelle, but the more social you are, the harder it is to make friends (seriously). If you smoke cigarettes kids look at you like you’re smoking meth, if you cuss suddenly you’re a horrible person, and if you wear fashionable clothes then suddenly you’re stupid. Bad bad place…bad.</p>

<p>bboyvortex hey yeah i got admitted to ucsd in revelle and yeah ur making it sound kinda scary there lol nest of all the fugly girls? lmao is there any way i can change to a different college?</p>

<p>I am the Class of 2014. </p>

<p>Let me start of by saying Revelle College offers a lot of opportunities to get involved with one exception, a 5 quarter Humanities sequence with the purpose of bringing your GPA down. It seems the problem with Revelle is actually it’s tradition. The fact that 6 units does really crater your grade. Also, their college council is the top dog, but it seems as though Revelle College Council is pressured into being frugal and often looses sight of the real purpose of a college council, to make life at Revelle more enjoyable not difficult. Let me say this: you get a lot of respect by attending Revelle. You are immediately recognized for the difficulty and enormous loads of GEs (which it is advised by me you take majority of them pass or not pass because it’s not part of your major and you don’t really care about those classes). Sometimes this recognition is confronted with pity and sympathy, but you know that Revelle boasts the best programs around. Emerging Leaders Program, and various Revelle Organizations. Sadly, HUM is required and it’s 6 units for HUM1 an HUM2 (both of which MUST be taken at UCSD) Then one out of the three left (3,4,5) must be taken at UCSD. I strongly urge you to take community college to fulfill 3 and 4 because you wouldn’t want your GPA to fall. Don’t listen to the counselor when they advise you to take it at UCSD (seriously it makes no difference with classes non-contigious to your major) I am very angry at my experience with HUM 1 which severely hurt my pristine GPA, other than that it’s manageable. With AP credits, you get some of them knocked off but then again AP English does not count for squat except your area of FOCUS. If you want to inter-college transfer you do that during your spring quarter but UNFORTUNATELY you still need to take HUM1 and HUM2 and maybe after you transferred you might still need to take that college’s writing course.</p>

<p>I am pretty sure fugliness should be the last of your concerns, and the last on our mind when attending Revelle. I know someone who complains all the time about triton-eye sadly this person isn’t adding to curing it at all. Triton Eye is just another Campus quirky joke. My Floor has a lot of HOT people.</p>

<p>its not one of my top concerns because i have a bf and im not into girls lol but what is, is the tons of GEs and stress it must bring but yeah then again thats college and i guess i’ll try it out</p>

<p>i guess i was also stressing out because of what hang713 said that the more social u r the harder it is to make friends in revelle and im very social =/</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure this thread now qualifies as most necro’d thread ever on CC. Amirite mods?</p>

<p>6 year anniversary!</p>

<p>Haha reading all of these have scared the **** out of me. I debating on whether or not to attend UCSD next year. On a scale of 1-10 10 being the best how is Revelle? Like their dorms, overall location, and classes? </p>

<p>I was really excited to go at first, but reading all of this made me really nervous… are the dorms really that terrible? Is Argo better than Blake…?</p>

<p>Oh yeah, and is it really that hard to be social there? </p>

<p>I’m already afraid to have no friends…</p>

<p>Tremendousmandaa … I feel the same way :(</p>

<p>So…is there any GOOD news about revelle? anything fun?</p>

So how is it these days???

@gensmom‌ Loads better! Let me update you on the categories @bboyvortex‌ brought up ten years ago.

tl;dr Revelle doesn’t suck anymore yay

    Still a ton, but no longer the most! Students no longer have to complete an area of focus, which is a year’s worth less of classes. Humanities 1 was still very intense. Foreign language courses are a lot of class but not a load of work. Fine arts - Gospel Choir is still the best.
    I’m an engineering major, and this quarter was painful.

    Every residence hall in Revelle was remodeled after 2009, and they’re not close to as bad as they were in 2005. Argo and Blake triples are average levels of spacious—fleets still have small rooms but the suites are comfortable. You still meet more Revelle people in Argo/Blake, because Fleets now house ~40% Sixth and ERC students. Argo has a kitchen on each floor, and Blake has one on the fourth floor. The Keeling Apartments for second-years, built in 2009, are gorgeous.

  • Argo Hall: 480 students, comparable to Muir’s Tenaya Hall
  • Blake Hall: ~180 students, on par with Argo in most ways
  • Fleets: 110
  1. FOOD
    Plaza Cafe was torn down and rebuilt last year. 64 Degrees is the most beautiful dining facility without a doubt. The food is decent; you get bored of everything after a while but the burgers are quality. Not the healthiest, though; the adjacent Roger’s Market will be your best source for breakfast (not served at 64 yet) and fruit. Food is expensive.
    64 Degrees stations:
  • Burger Lounge (dope but slow, barnyard burgers are legendary)
  • Vertically Crafted Deli (not bad sandwiches)
  • Salad Bar (haven’t tried it but they look surprisingly good)
  • Take a Wok (not delicious but quick; grilled chicken >>)
  • Revelle Cuisine (grab an appetizer while waiting for your burger)
    A really diverse community of intelligent kids. Competitive in the sense that everyone works hard to perform well, but not cutthroat.

Other stuff that was mentioned in the thread:

  • My suite’s consensus is that Revelle has the second-best looking men and women on campus, I’d peg it at third. Upperclassmen tell me that the class of 2018 is bringing up the average to the point that Triton Eye doesn’t feel like a huge issue anymore.
  • Revelle usually has a well-known commencement speaker, but that won’t be an issue in the future because of all-campus graduation celebrations.
  • Far from PC and Geisel, but close to the biomedical library, many classrooms, and the beach.

It’d be nice if a moderator recategorized this thread into the University of California, San Diego discussion.

Feel free to ask me any other questions you may have about UCSD, Revelle, or La Jolla! I’m a first year student here.


Thank you! That was very helpful! We will be checking it out at Triton Day…

@groverrohan‌ so Revelle really is changing, I was nervous hearing horrible things! I’m entering next years class as a Chem engineer.

How are parties now and where is the closest gym?