The Ultimate "or" Thread!


<p>bowling or swimming?</p>


<p>stay up to see the 1000th post, or go to bed and care less</p>

<p>stay up! it'll be like new years! jk. lol :D</p>

<p>chewing or swallowing?</p>

<p>chewing, that's where all the taste happens</p>

<p>apples or bananas</p>


<p>studying or typing a 1000 page essay?</p>


<p>keep the hair shaggy and long the way people like it or get it cut bc it feels better that way</p>


<p>yelling or whispering</p>

<p>whispering or yelling, just not plain old talking.</p>

<p>molly ringwald or emilio estevez</p>

<p>however you spell their names</p>

<p>yelling. makes me happy</p>

<p>novel or comic book?</p>


<p>caprivi strip or baja peninsula</p>

<p>baja peninsula</p>

<p>president's week break or spring break?</p>

<p>spring break</p>

<p>long distance relationship or break up and know if its meant to be it'll happen</p>

<p>break up</p>

<p>white blood cells or red blood cells</p>

<p>white blood cells</p>

<p>dark cycle or light cycle</p>

<p>dark cycle</p>

<p>uh well ... </p>

<p>put an or question after your post, or dont put one after your post</p>

<p>haha oops forgot the question</p>

<p>question mark or period</p>

<p>put one. aka dont do as deus ex machina does. </p>

<p>buy a new radiohead cd or a new elliott smith cd</p>

<p>radiohead </p>

<p>combover or baldness</p>

<p>doesnt matter</p>

<p>FEEL AWESOME THAT YOU GOT THE 1000th post, or realize after it refreshes that someone beat you to it</p>