The Ultimate "or" Thread!

<p>bee sting (mainly cuz i havent gotten one in a while)</p>

<p>pen or pencil</p>


<p>white or regular chocolate</p>


<p>no computers for a week or no shoes for a week</p>

<p>no shoes for a week.</p>

<p>rejection from college or rejection from a guy</p>

<p>rejection from a guy (I got into Brown ED and I am male!)</p>

<p>bread or wine</p>


<p>surfing OR snowboarding</p>


<p>A bomb or H bomb</p>


<p>mime or circus clown</p>


<p>Ferrari or Porsche</p>

<p>Ferrari (a little nicer looking IMO)</p>

<p>Mardi Gras or Spring Break</p>

<p>Depends. Usually spring break.</p>

<p>SAT or ACT</p>


<p>square or circle</p>

<p>circle (perfection)</p>

<p>Monkey bladder or severed rat head</p>

<p>BTW neither is not an acceptable answer :D</p>

<p>severed rat head all the way baby</p>

<p>writing five essays for a test or answering two hundred multiple choice questions</p>

<p>answering two hundred multiple choice questions</p>

<p>Stanely or Stella</p>


<p>affirmative action based on race or socioeconomic status?</p>

<p>PURPLE or rectangle</p>

<p>affirmative action based on socioeconomic status</p>

<p>to release a large **** during a movie or hold it until the end</p>

<p>release it during the most dramatic, suspensful, sappy moment</p>

<p>wearing a tshirt/tank top and pajama pants to bed or sleeping in the buff</p>