The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

<p>I'll just come back to California and defrost every vacation.</p>

<p>Snow in NH this weekend? In March?! I'm in North Carolina and it was 80 degrees today. I'm in for a change next year!</p>

<p>Well, ask any New Englander and they'll tell you how fickle the weather is. It was about 70 here today; supposed to be 40 tomorrow and 30's Friday with lots of snow.</p>

<p>Was in the 60s up here in Northern NE today - just melted the snow - and now they're talking as much as a foot on Friday/Saturday. In NH, you can expect snow anywhere from early Oct. to early May - you just never know.</p>

<p>Oops - posting at the same time as ^^^^</p>

<p>dont bring too much stuff at first for you room... ( i mean bring all the necissary things like alarm clocks) You'll see how big it is and whats there and then make the run to walmart (or wherever).</p>

<p>--don't forget shower shoes!</p>

<p>Also, if you know you are going to have a roommate, wait until you get to school to buy things that you'll both share like curtains, rug, etc. Otherwise, you might end up with duplicates and no where to put them. Plus, it is good roommate bonding to go and pick out decorative stuff for your room...</p>

<p>What do you think would be the absolute necessaties & what stuff can we just buy there? Cause I'd have to fit everything I bring from home into two suitcases & I'm not sure I can do that with all the items mentioned here.. o_o</p>

<p>earplugs or noise cancelling headphones. ^_^</p>

<p>We didn't purchase anything new except the extra long sheets at Bed Bath & Beyond ahead of time. Depending on your school location, you can get most things after you get your room assignment. BB&B/Target/Walmart/Sears/Home Depot stores are everywhere. If your parents will be traveling with you to move you to bs, they will probably have a car and can take care of these things with you! Knowing the room size layout and what your roommate brings is often helpful before making new purchases.</p>

<p>"So Hotchkiss still uses quarters for laundry"</p>

<p>no, they installed debit card machines for laundry machines too so we use the debit card that we usually use in the snack bar, student bank and everything for laundry machines</p>

<p>i think it's better than buying laundry cards coz ur debit card is like ur student id anyway</p>

<p>Glad to hear that Hotchkiss has got the electronic currency working. Much better. Just gotta update that what to bring web page now...</p>

<p>I laugh because my D's school had the same problem last year when they converted the machines and not the what to bring list.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Just do it.</p>

<p>Wow, thanks for all the pesponces!! :D</p>

<p>Do boarding schools supply you with extension cords, surge protectors, ect.? Or should we buy them?</p>

<p>~~~~~~~~Buy them.</p>

<p>omg thank you so much tokyorevoution!! i've been looking for ramune soda for so long!!</p>


<p>Headphones also help.</p>

<p>Lucky Bamboo plants!!! LOL :D</p>

<p>Prepster, you will need to buy at least one surge protector/extension cord, and possibly more if you have a lot of electronics and peripherals. Often times there will be very few outlets (for good reason) and sometimes they may be positioned on the opposite side of the room from where your desk is. </p>

<p>I would also recommend buying your own Ethernet and phone cords.</p>

<p>quarters...don't most schools have a laundry service?</p>

<p>Yes, most do, but you have to pay for it nonetheless. It also takes a few days, so it wont work to ship out your last laundry if you need it clean for tomorrow.</p>